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Lucas Possamai

sudo apt install coffee

Location Auckland, New Zealand Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website
Shielding Your Apps in the Cloud: Integrating CloudFront and AWS WAF with Terraform

Shielding Your Apps in the Cloud: Integrating CloudFront and AWS WAF with Terraform

5 min read

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Seamless Cloud Infrastructure: Integrating Terragrunt and Terraform with AWS

Seamless Cloud Infrastructure: Integrating Terragrunt and Terraform with AWS

Comments 7
9 min read
Smooth Sailing from AWS EC2 to ECS: A Comprehensive Migration Guide

Smooth Sailing from AWS EC2 to ECS: A Comprehensive Migration Guide

3 min read
PostgreSQL Live Migration from 9.2 to 14 with Bucardo

PostgreSQL Live Migration from 9.2 to 14 with Bucardo

8 min read
From bare metal to AWS Cloud in 90 minutes.

From bare metal to AWS Cloud in 90 minutes.

5 min read