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Luciano Jung
Luciano Jung

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Building multi platform games in Flutter News 2024 #21 ʚїɞ

Hey Flutter enthusiasts!

Ever worry about missing key Flutter updates? Well, worry no more!
Starting 2024, I'm here to keep you informed with a weekly Monday report. Let's stay ahead in the world of Flutter!

Table of Contents

  1. Mayor Flutter updates
  2. New Flutter Videos
  3. New Flutter Packages
  4. New Dev Posts
  5. New Medium Posts

Mayor Flutter updates:

There are no mayor flutter updates this week!

-> Currently Flutter Version Google I/O 3.22

New Flutter Videos:

The Flutter YouTube Channel did post new Videos:

#GoogleIO, #Flutter


New Flutter-Packages

flutter_picker_plus (Version 1.1.2)

Provide flexible parameters to meet various needs with NumberPicker, DateTimePicker, ArrayPicker, and default linkage Picker.

localization_pro (Version 1.0.1)

A dynamic Flutter package for seamless localization management.
#flutter, #shared_preferences

torch_flashlight (Version 0.0.2)

A Flutter plugin for controlling the torch (flashlight) on/off functionality in mobile devices.
#flutter, #flutter_web_plugins, #plugin_platform_interface

openvidu_flutter (Version 0.0.11)

Migration from openvidu-android to Flutter. The package contains a working example that targets OpenVidu 2.29.0.
#crypto, #cupertino_icons, #flutter, #flutter_webrtc, #html, #intl, #logging

device_preview_plus (Version 1.2.0)

Approximate how your Flutter app looks and performs on another device
#collection, #device_frame, #flutter, #flutter_localizations, #freezed_annotation, #json_annotation, #provider, #shared_preferences

New Dev-Posts

New Medium-Posts

I will develop any Flutter UI for your Flutter app development by Muhammad Bilal

I will develop any Flutter UI for your Flutter app development. If you are going to develop an app for yourself, then the UI Design matters a lot. Good UI means a greater number of conversions..
\Flutter, Hire Mobile App Developer, Flutter App Development, App Development, App Development Company

I will be your flutter developer and build an Android ios flutter app with Firebase by Muhammad Bilal

If you want someone to develop your Hybrid Flutter app on Android, IOS to increase your business or for your client. Keep reading. We are a team of Flutter developers with 3+ years of experience in…
\Flutter, Flutter App Development, Flutter Widget, Flutter Ui, Flutter Web

How can I enter the job market and start my career in programming by elmami bhwr

Hello creators! Today we will talk about a very important topic for all those who want to start a career in the program and enter the active labor market. Whether you are a beginner or have…
\Flutter, Flutter App Development, Flutter Widget, Flutter Ui, Flutter Web

Difference between core stack (Java & kotlin) and Flutter by Harshil Suthar

The differences between app development using core stacks like Java and Kotlin versus using Flutter are significant in terms of language, development approach, and the capabilities offered. Here’s a…
\Java, Flutter, Kotlin, Flutter App Development, Difference

Automatically launching “build_runner watch” for FlutterDart by Akaita

Last Flutter News: Flutter News 2024 #20 ʚїɞ

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Luciano Jung

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