The complete project can be found here:
- Visual Studio 2019
- .NET Core 3.1.0
- xUnit 2.4.0
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 3.1.0
- FluentValidation 8.6.0
Post User • Fact
Refactor Step
We will concentrate the database operations inside a repository class for the user entity.
Firstly, modify the "Fact_PostUser" method like this:
public void Fact_PostUser()
var user = new User(0, "LUCIANO PEREIRA", 33, true);
user = new UserRepository(ctx).Post(user);
Assert.Equal(1, user.Id);
As you can see, it must be created a "UserRepository" class with a "Post" method that must execute that same operations from before.
Inside the Infra project, create another file inside the "Repositories" folder named "UserRepository.cs" with the following code:
using CRUD_NETCore_TDD.Infra.Models;
namespace CRUD_NETCore_TDD.Infra.Repositories
public class UserRepository
private readonly MyContext ctx;
public UserRepository(MyContext ctx)
this.ctx = ctx;
public User Post(User user)
return user;
Just import the "UserRepository" class inside the "PostUserTest" file and it will compile.
Run the test again:
Our refactoring is complete!
If you have followed the instructions faithfully until here, then your project must be like this:
We are still far from finishing the POST tests. It's necessary to validate the user attributes before persist them in the database, so let's create our first Theory.
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