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Hands-on Vue.js for Beginners (Part 1)

Marina Mosti on January 28, 2019

Learning a new framework can be a very daunting process for any developer, especially for one that is still learning the base language (in this cas...
jenlooper profile image
Jen Looper

I don't think commenting on profile pics, either complimentary or not, is helpful. At all. Please refrain.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Great intro! Vue seems like a great first framework to learn.

marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

Thanks Andy! Stay tuned for next part, will look at responding to events and methods :)

lkopacz profile image
Lindsey Kopacz • Edited

Are you serious? This is totally inappropriate. Women can code no matter how they look.

dse profile image

Great, finally a framework tutorial without all that node/npm/webpack mess. Thanks a lot!

marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

Oh, we'll get to that in due time, but not nose first. It can be very daunting! :D

akwetey profile image
Jonathan Akwetey

Lovely intro..i'm waiting for the part 2. But i love the cli approach.But this is great for beginners.. Thumbs up!!

marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

Hey Jonathan, thanks. Yeah CLI is a great tool, and it will show up sometime in the series but it's a big overwhelming for beginners. Keep tuned for more :)

akwetey profile image
Jonathan Akwetey

great..i will be looking forward to it.

f15c0 profile image

True Marina, i'am new to vue and this beginner's guide actually helps. thanks,

rodz profile image
Rodrigo Gomez • Edited

Thanks for the tutorial. Distilling a topic to its essence is a great way to learn a subject. Even understanding what is happening once it is deployed to production is important: KISS. I'm still learning Vue but part of the strength of Vue seems to be its simplicity, i.e. do one thing and do it well.

alam487 profile image

Hi Marina. Recently I have started learning vue.js. So I am a beginner on vue and I am building a multistep form wizard in vue and I i am following your beginner guide but I was stuck at one approach. Like displaying a form based on category selection. So here we have a category field in html and whatever user enters in the category based on that enter category I want to prompt the next step. To achieve this i need some help

ical10 profile image
Husni Rizal • Edited

Hi Marina! Nice tutorial on Vue, really appreciate it. However, I can't seem to make the first part works. I followed exactly the code above, but myLocalProperty value was not shown! Is there something that I'm missing?

pravinkumar95 profile image
Pravin kumar

Very easy to follow! I am totally new to web development. Thanks a lot..:)

marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

Glad you're enjoying the series Pravin. Thanks for reading!

mixoglad profile image

Hey Marina, can't wait for you to do some single page apps with Vue js😉

pwnchaurasia profile image
Pawan Chaurasia

nice intro.
In how many parts this tutorial would be ?

marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

So far four and counting, and i dont have a set number in mind. I will keep going as long as it makes sense to, i dont want to break the natural flow by restricting this in advanced ;)

pwnchaurasia profile image
Pawan Chaurasia

Okay nice to hear that. I will keep following it for better understanding of it. But i needed a crash course on vue if possible can you provide any ?

Thread Thread
marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

Sorry, I don't do that :)

muhammadhadi profile image

I'm a bit late but the intro is cool I think it's going to be a great beginners guide for me

marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

Hey Muhammad, hope you enjoy it!

manuelsayago15 profile image
Manuel Sayago

Awesome! I think I liked a lot Vue. I know a little of it but I feel that you explain part after part and that makes it very easy and enjoyable.

Please, keep posting!

marinamosti profile image
Marina Mosti

Thanks Manuel, this series has 7 parts make sure you look for the next ones :)

enzo profile image

Hi Marina, stupid question. How do you make the list of all the parts with markdown. Docs does not help for me. Thanks.

mememe profile image

I just started learning VueJS. I find that VueJS's conventions are a mix of Angular and ReactJS concepts.

ad0791 profile image
Alexandro Disla

Well. I guess i will definitely stick with Vue. To build up my skills. It really seems to be easy to learn.

rahamat profile image

Iam a newbie to Vue. And this intro helped. ThanKU. In to part2 now ...

maen profile image
Ruheza, NS

this is awesome