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Janki Mehta
Janki Mehta

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How to Develop and Deploy Fast Applications With Vite JS

Vite has rapidly become one of the most popular open-source front-end build tools. Its main selling points are nearly instantaneous server start and hot module replacement (HMR). Let's dive into how we can leverage Vite to develop and deploy blazing-fast web applications.

What is Vite.js?

Vite.js is a front-end build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience. It was created by Evan You, the author of popular frameworks like Vue.js.

Vite builds on top of native ES Module imports instead of bundles like Webpack. This allows it to serve source code over a development server extremely quickly. The production build pre-bundles your code for optimal loading in the browser.

Some key features that make Vite stand out include:

Instant Server Start
Vite achieves near-instant server start by serving source code over native ESM. There is no bundling required for development, so the server starts instantly.

Hot Module Replacement
Changes made to source files during development are reflected instantly in the browser without full page reloads. This is made possible by its HMR implementation.

Why Use Vite for App Development?

There are several compelling reasons to use Vite for web app development:

Blazing Fast Build Speeds
Production builds with Vite are extremely fast. It pre-bundles your app code intelligently, resulting in smaller bundle sizes.

Rich Ecosystem and Tooling
Vite has first-class support for frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte. There is also a robust plugin ecosystem.

Easy Migration from Create React App
For React apps, moving from Create React App to Vite is quite straightforward. This makes it easy to migrate existing apps to Vite.

Getting Started with Vite

It's simple to get up and running with Vite. We'll cover the basics of installation, project setup, and the development workflow.

Installation and Setup
To install Vite.js on your computer, we need Node.js. Then we can scaffold a new project by running:

npm init vite@latest

This will prompt us to select a framework and provide other project details.

Project Structure Overview
The generated project structure is clean and minimal. The main files and folders are:

  • index.html - The HTML entry point
  • src/ - Contains our source code
  • src/main.js - The JavaScript entry point
  • src/App.vue - The main app component (for Vue apps)

Development Workflow
To start the dev server, just run:

npm run dev

This will serve your app at localhost:5173 by default.

Now, let's go over some key aspects of development with Vite:

Starting the Dev Server
The Vite dev server starts up instantly. You can begin coding immediately and see changes reflected in the browser immediately.

Native ESM Support
Importing JavaScript modules just works out of the box. No complex configuration is needed.

Working with Assets
Importing CSS, images, fonts, etc from JavaScript also works seamlessly. Vite handles assets extremely well.

Building and Deploying Vite Apps

Let's explore how to build and deploy apps made with Vite.

Production Build
To generate a production build, run:

npm run build

This will bundle and minimize your code with sensible defaults.

Build Options
The build can be customized via the vite.config.js file. For example, we can set the base URL for the app here.

Advanced Configurations
Vite lets you fine-tune the build output in great detail via its API and plugins. This flexibility is useful for complex apps.

Vite apps can be deployed in multiple ways:

Static Hosting
The built dist folder can be directly deployed to any static hosting service like Netlify or Vercel.

Server-Side Rendering
For SSR with Node or Deno servers, Vite provides SSR helpers and Nuxt.js integrations.


Vite enables rapid front-end development by leveraging native ESM imports. With its fast dev server, HMR, and optimized builds, it's a great choice for modern web apps. The intuitive project scaffolding, familiar workflow, and rich plugin ecosystem further make Vite a go-to build tool.

What is the difference between Vite and Webpack?

Vite uses native ESM imports and serves source code over a dev server. Webpack bundles all code into static assets during development. Vite has faster startup and HMR.

How does Vite achieve fast HMR?

Vite maintains a persistent WebSocket connection to the browser to handle HMR updates. Code changes are streamed over this connection, avoiding full browser refreshes.

Can Vite be used with existing projects?

Yes, Vite can replace the build setup in most existing projects with its framework integration. For React, the @vitejs/plugin-react plugin handles JSX transformation similar to Babel.

What browsers does Vite support?

Vite supports browsers that implement native ESM imports (Chrome, Firefox, Edge). For legacy browser support, code is transpired, and polyfills are added during the build step.

Does Vite fully replace Webpack?

Vite is optimized for modern browser apps. For legacy browser support, integration with Webpack is still useful. The two can complement each other in some cases.

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