Soon I am going to start the next side project. Because I am going to learn Java I want to learn by practice networking. And it may be game or some kind of network tool.
Some time ago I have created solo and with my team few a few synchronous and asynchronous multiplayer games on WebSockets with Phaser and Unity to learn gamedev patterns, so I know good multiplayer is hard to create but I prefer done than perfect. ;)
Anyway, what type of multiplayer game you recommend? Simple RPG? Fighting? Racing? Flying? I will pick one idea and eventually create a simple and open-source game based on it.
Top comments (3)
I've been quite intrigued by Mahjong for some time now. It's a game that has always caught my attention. Although I've been aware of it for years, I only recently got the chance to give it a shot. I came across it on this website . What sets this site apart is its comprehensive rules and general game information, making it very beginner-friendly. If you've ever been curious about Mahjong, I'd recommend going there!
Do you know the game Little Fighter 2? A remake would be great :)
I would recommend either a Strategy game because I love em 😄! Or maybe a digital version of a board game, like chess or mahjong?