DEV Community

Megan Sullivan
Megan Sullivan

Posted on

What Git/GitHub topics do you struggle with most?

I'm working on an Intro to Git/GitHub series for newcomers to version control and open source. Help me make it useful by sharing your experiences learning about Git and GitHub!

(If you've been using Git/GitHub for a while, think back to what it was like when you were first getting started.)

  • ๐Ÿ˜ฉ What concepts or commands do you find confusing or challenging? (Or, what are the things you always have to look up how to do?)
  • ๐Ÿค” What concepts or commands do you wish you understood better?
  • ๐Ÿ“š What are some of your favorite resources for learning Git/GitHub?
  • ๐Ÿ’ก If you've been using Git/GitHub for a while, were there any particular analogies or explanations that helped an idea click?

Feel free to share any other thoughts you have on the subject.

Top comments (6)

amt8u profile image

Pull request - It took me days to understand that its more of a merge request. The intention is to push your changes, not pull.

ac000 profile image
Andrew Clayton

It's called a pull-request, due to the fact you're asking someone to pull your changes into their repository, hence the git command

$ git request-pull [options] start url [end]

which generates a pull request that can be emailed.

A Merge Request seems to be a GitLab invention...

amt8u profile image

Yeah, of course I do understand it now :-)

But I just wanted to point out that initially it was difficult for me to understand that a pull request needs to be created by the person who is pushing the changes.

kush1101 profile image
Kushagra Bansal

I am familiar with the web interface, but I struggle to remember and understand the command line interface instructions

meganesulli profile image
Megan Sullivan

That totally makes sense, there's a lot to remember! Are there any commands in particular that you repeatedly have to look up?

kush1101 profile image
Kushagra Bansal

Some common commands like merging, pushing, getting the history, branching etc. Tbh I don't use the command line often because of this. Am I missing out on something?๐Ÿค”