DEV Community

Listen to Our New Podcast: "On The Board"

Michael Tharrington on October 29, 2024

Hey folks! Just a quick announcement to let y'all know that Jason McDonald (@codemouse92) and I recently started up a podcast about job searching ...
canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre

Glad to see you around, Michael. That sounds interesting. These last couple of years have been tough for people looking for jobs.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Good to hear from you, Cesar, and appreciate the supportive words.

And you are right about the past couple of years... it's been tough out there! Hopefully, we're on the cusp of some positive changes. 🤞

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Awesome stuff! ✨

alt_exist profile image
Alternate Existance

Cool :)

jjokah profile image
John Johnson Okah

Awesome, brother ✨ Rooting for you 1001%

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Really appreciate the support, John! TY! 🙏

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good luck!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thanks a bunch, Ben! 🙂

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

That sounds amazing Michael!

I'm already subscribed on YouTube and I follow on LinkedIn. Growing in these things usually take time, and a lot of persistence, so keep on the hard work! 💪🏽

Whenever I can I'll try to help.

Cool guitars BTW 🫣

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thanks so much for the support, Rodrigo!

And you're totally right, I think it's gonna take a bit of time to really find our flow and build a following, but it's been really fun! Really appreciate the encouragement and offer to help!

daedtech profile image
Erik Dietrich

Sounds like a great project!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thanks, Erik! It's been really fun and good for my personal growth. 😀

As a first-time podcaster, it's helping me to get a bit more comfortable as a host/interviewer. And, by interviewing different folks, it's also similarly helping me with my job interviews... I'm regularly meeting new people, have to pay close attention to the conversation and adapt, and everything is done under pressure because it's being filmed.

And of course, because of the premise of the podcast, I'm able to get lots and lots of firsthand advice from recently employed ex-jobhunters! There's so much wisdom to be gained from asking questions and listening to these folks. 🧠

Anywho, I hope others out there find it interesting and helpful, but regardless of whether we build up an audience, I feel like I'm getting a lot outta the experience!