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Coronavirus Web Application in Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น

We are in Italy, early March, my friends and I wonder if there is a site to monitor the Italian situation of Covid-19. We find the Italian civil protection website, but the graphics are not what we want, also the service offered is not optimized for mobile devices.

As I surf the web I find that civil protection has provided the national contagion data in a json file. Perfect, I will create my application. I want to do in a short time to monitor the infections through the graphs. This must be available on the web to be able to share it with my friends, it must also be simple and fast.

I am very familiar with React, but I decide to deepen AngularJS since I use it a lot in my work, it's only a small application.

March 12

On the first day I develop a first draft of the application that I improve in the following days

March 16

I release the first version with the features:

  • Display of national data updated to date.
  • Graphs of the history of the currently positive, healed, intensive care, deceased, move positive and positive growth percentage.
  • Dark theme and Lite theme.

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March 21

The application begins to be shared by my friends, very well. I continue my developments and integrate new features:

  • New graphics for updated data to date.
  • History of regional data.
  • Share button.

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At this point, the application reaches the first views even outside of my friends, 100 unique users per day with only sharing the application on Facebook and Instagram.

March 27

In the meantime, I find an API that provides world data, I immediately get to work and in a few days I release these features:

  • New world data section.
  • Search filter on the world cup.

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I share the application on Linkedin and with colleagues. It reaches a peak of 400 unique users per day.

In the following days I released bug fixes and improvements. Everyone talks to me about a simple, fast and intuitive application compared to others on the web that provide the same data. I am happy with the result achieved and that I can be useful in this complicated period for everyone.

You can see the application via this link:

I thank you for reading,

Top comments (1)

dbhaskaran profile image
Deepak Bhaskaran

very nice, try my app