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Shivam Chhuneja for Middleware

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OpenVINO's AI Success: Brilliance or Cracks Beneath the Surface?

Ever wonder how some AI projects manage to deliver breakthroughs in record time? OpenVINO, an open-source toolkit designed for optimizing and deploying AI models, is one such standout. With C++ at its core, this repository has consistently delivered on its promises. But what really sets it apart?

It's their ability to fine-tune and optimize Cycle Time---a critical metric that tracks how fast development work goes from inception to deployment. This case study takes a closer look at how OpenVINO manages to maintain an exceptional Cycle Time---showing us why this toolkit is making waves in the world of AI.

If you're excited to explore these insights further and connect with fellow engineering leaders, come join us in The Middle Out Community. and subscribe to the newsletter for exclusive case studies and more!

What We Discovered When We Peeked Into OpenVINO's Code Playground

Of course we love looking under the hood of how great teams and repositories function so we had to dive into OpenVINO as well leveraging Middleware OSS.

What made this repository tick?

Why was it performing so well in some areas, and what could be improved?

Using Dora metrics as our analytical framework, we dug into the data, analyzing everything from deployment frequencies to response times. What we found might just surprise you---and hopefully, inspire a few new ideas for your own processes.

Background on Dora Metrics

Before we get into the juicy details, let's take a moment to talk about Dora metrics. These are the gold standard for evaluating the performance and efficiency of software development and delivery pipelines. In simple terms, DORA metrics cover four key areas that provide a comprehensive picture of how well your dev processes are running:

  1. Lead Time for Changes: How long does it take for a code change to go from development to production?

  2. Deployment Frequency: How often are you pushing changes to production?

  3. Mean Time to Restore (MTTR): How quickly can you recover from a failure?

  4. Change Failure Rate: What percentage of your changes fail in production?

These metrics are crucial because they help assess the efficiency, speed, and reliability of your development pipeline.

For OpenVINO, we placed a special focus on Cycle Time, a close cousin to Lead Time, to see how efficiently they're moving code from start to finish.

Key Findings

Exceptional Cycle Time and Its Contributors

Cycle Time represents the time taken from when work begins until it's completed and ready for deployment. For OpenVINO, the Cycle Time over the last three months has been impressive. In June 2024, the First Response Time was 50 hours, dropping to 46 hours in July before rising to 68 hours in August.

These numbers highlight a consistent effort to keep development moving smoothly. But what exactly contributes to this exceptional Cycle Time?

  1. Efficient Review Process: PRs like PR #25069 and PR #24953 were merged swiftly, with detailed and comprehensive reviews ensuring that quality wasn't sacrificed for speed.

  2. Active Contributor Base: Regular contributions from a core group of contributors, like Ilya-lavreno and Tsavina have helped keep things on track. Active participation from dedicated contributors can significantly reduce bottlenecks in the pipeline.

  3. Automation and Continuous Integration (CI): OpenVINO's robust CI setup plays a huge role here. They employ workflows like check_pr_commits.yml and build_doc.yml that streamline validation, testing, and integration. Automating repetitive tasks is a game-changer for any repository aiming to optimize its Cycle Time.

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First Response Time: A Scope for Improvement

While Cycle Time has been a strong point, First Response Time---the time taken for maintainers to initially respond to new PRs---has room for improvement. Here's what the numbers say:

Although July showed a slight improvement, the overall response times remain high, with notable fluctuation. So, what's causing these delays?

  1. Dependency on Key Contributors: Delays occur when critical reviewers are unavailable, which is common in any open-source project. The reliance on a small group of key contributors can slow things down.

  2. Complexity of PRs: Some PRs---particularly those involving significant architectural changes or feature introductions---naturally require more time for initial assessment.

Nature of Work and Contributions

OpenVINO's recent work shows a diverse mix of feature development, documentation updates, and bug fixes. Here's a breakdown:

Some of the top features worked on recently include:

  • Implement Support for LLMs (PR #24930): Expanding the toolkit's capabilities with large language models.

  • Enable runtime buffer fusing for crop on GPU (PR #25060): Performance optimization for GPU-based workflows.

  • Activate SDPA Fusion on ARM (PR #24919): A critical feature for ARM architectures.

Impact on Project and Community

Internal Development Practices: The focus on efficient Cycle Times boosts overall productivity and ensures that development timelines are consistently met. This translates into more predictable releases and happier contributors.

External Contributors: Prospective contributors are more likely to engage with a repository that is both responsive and efficient. A streamlined development process not only enhances collaboration but also drives innovation by attracting new contributors who appreciate fast feedback cycles.


Effective Cycle Time Management

Strategy: Breaking down larger PRs into smaller, manageable pieces helps reduce overall Cycle Time and makes the review process easier.

  • Example: PR #25023 demonstrated effective segmentation, allowing for quicker reviews and fewer delays in merging.

Enhancing First Response Times

Strategy: Implementing a rotating schedule for first-level reviews can evenly distribute the workload among maintainers, reducing wait times.

  • Example: Introducing more automated triage processes could maintain response efficiency during high-activity periods, preventing backlogs.

Importance of Documentation and CI Pipelines

Strategy: Maintaining thorough documentation and robust CI pipelines helps streamline the review process and minimizes rework.

  • Example: Workflows like build_doc.yml have been key to keeping documentation up to date and comprehensive, which speeds up the development process.

Dora Score - 8/10

After diving into the Dora metrics for OpenVINO, we're giving it a solid 8/10. The project excels in Cycle Time and maintains a consistent deployment frequency, making it a standout in these areas. However, variations in First Response Time are holding it back from a perfect score.

When compared to Google's Annual Dora Report, OpenVINO holds up impressively, especially in terms of speed and efficiency. With some tweaks to improve those response times, it could easily leap into the elite tier.

Curious to see how your project stacks up? Middleware's OSS tools can help you dive into your metrics, find areas for improvement, and fast-track your project's success!

Also Check: The Dora Rating for another God-level Repo - React Native

Conclusion: Is OpenVINO's AI Speed Hiding a Need for More Precision?

OpenVINO knocks it out of the park with its impressive Cycle Time management, making its development process highly efficient and consistent. However, there's a bit of a snag---improving First Response Time could unlock even greater potential, speeding things up and driving more engagement from contributors. For teams looking to fine-tune their processes, OpenVINO's journey offers a great lesson in striking that perfect balance between speed and quality. If you are looking to bring more predictability & visibility to your engineering pipeline, then you should check out Middleware Open Source.

If you're excited to explore these insights further and connect with fellow engineering leaders, come join us in The Middle Out Community. Feel free to subscribe to the newsletter as well if you'd like some exclusive case studies too.

Let's Wrap This Up

OpenVINO was developed by Intel to enhance AI applications, particularly in edge computing, bringing AI processing closer to where the data is generated---think smart cameras, drones, and IoT devices.

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