On my path of Learning In Public, I try to learn as efficient as possible. The stuff has to fit my needs, but I don't want to waste time by binge-learning useless stuff.
Therefore I decided to have a look at Computer Science and Programming in Python.
I don't know if it is too easy for me, because I know most of the Computer Science stuff, but therefore I decided to use a course with Python, because I only new the basics of it. If it is too easy, I go faster.
I created a list with all the links to the summary, the videos and the slides.
There is also a link to the github repo, I invite you to make a Pull Request if you see some typos.
01. Computation
- computer performs calculations
- calculations are built-in or defined by developer
- computer only knows what you tell it
- types of knowledge:
- declarative: statements of facts
- imperative: recipe how to do sth
- recipe (= algorithm)
- sequence of (simple) steps
- flow of control that specifies when each step is executed
- a means of determining when to stop
- fixed program computer: calculator
- stored program computer: machine stores and executes instructions
- basic machine architecture:
- input
- memory
- cpu (control unit + arithmetic logic unit)
- output
- sequence of instructions stored inside computer
- built from predefined set of primite instructions:
- logic and arithmetic
- tests
- moving data
- interpreter executes each instruction in order
- turing: you can compute anything using 6 primitives, anything computable in one language is also doable in any other language
- a language provides a set of primitive operations
- primitives:
- english: words "boy"
- programming: strings, numbers, booleans, simple operations
- syntax:
- english: sentence "boy is apple" => syntax correct (noun, verb, noun), but wrong semantics
- programming: expression
- static semantics
- english: senctence "boy eats food" => syntax + semantics correct
- errors:
- syntax
- semantics
- different meaning than what developer expected
- program is a sequence of definitions and commands:
- definitions evaluated
- commands executed (instruct interpreter to do sth)
Objects in Python
- program manipulates data objects
- object has a type
- type defines the things a program can do to them (x is human, so he can speak, eat etc.)
- objects are scalar (can't get subdivided), non-scalar(has internal structure that can be accessed)
- scalar objects: int, float, bool, NoneType
- can convert (=cast) one type to another
- expressions are complex combinations of primitives
- expressions and computations have values and meanings
- expression = objects + operators
- every expression has a value, which has a type
- simple expression syntax:
object operator object
- assignment: bind variable to value
- can re-bind variables using new assignment
02. Branching & Iteration
- characters, letters, whitespace, digits
- controls where program flows:
if else
- do stuff repeatedly
: while sth is true, do this -
: for n times, do this
03. String Manipulations
- strings are immutable
- length:
- indexing:
- slice:
- guess-and-check: guess a solution and check it
- approximation: start with a guess and increment by some small value
- bisection search: half interval each iteration,
04. Abstraction, Decomposition, Functions
- a TV is a blackbox
- know the interface: input and output
- input: connect other device to it that has data
- blackbox converts input to output
- Abstraction: do not need to know how TV works
=> programming: function specification , docstring
- can't see details
- don't need to see details
- don't want to see details
- hide implementation details
- combine multiple TVs to display a big image
- each TV takes input and produces output
- Decomposition: different devices work together to achieve a goal
=> programming: code divided into modules => functions or classes
- self-contained
- reusable
- keep code organized
- keep code coherent
- reusable chunks of code
- have to get called/invoked
- has name, parameters, body, a return, docstring (optional, but recommended)
- scope: environment, where stuff lives
- function declarations only seen as
some code
until invoked
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