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Cover image for Birthday Journal - Day 2: Hindering Patterns to Sucess
Paul C. Ishaili
Paul C. Ishaili

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Birthday Journal - Day 2: Hindering Patterns to Sucess


Please note, reading this devjournal is at your discretion! Contents may be touching, dark or implicit!! The aim of this is to portray the transparency of becoming!!!

Clocking 24 is making me grow to be more understanding to oneself, accepting the flaws and weaknesses, taking decisions every minute to be better than the last minute lived is indeed the height of living conciously.

Clocking 24, brings to my face dawning realities of so many perspectives: knowing oneself, staying grounded, understanding one's voice and tone, knowing your friends and frienemies.

Today, going through series of converstaion in my head and some recording, I began to realize some basic patterns that had being hindering me from exploring better sides of myself. Amongst them are:

  • Constant need for validation
  • Ego
  • Not letting go
  • Not learning to define my ground in a more matured tone
  • Agressive approach
  • Always putting myself at detriments of unnecessary situations
  • Over-thinking every situations
  • Always having a thing of 'being right'
  • Victim mentality
  • Extreme actions for tiny situations
  • Fighting systems while inwardly desiring one
  • Having too many expectations of myself whereas not taking decisive actions in actualizing them.
  • Masking fears with arguments.

Understanding is a vital key to success, personal attainment and achievements.

Top comments (1)

scaifezachariahson5 profile image

Day 2 of your birthday journal focuses on recognizing and overcoming hindering patterns to success. Often, self-sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs can obstruct our path to achievement. Identifying these patterns, such as procrastination, fear of failure, or negative self-talk, is crucial. By addressing them directly and replacing them with proactive strategies, you pave the way for growth and success. As you celebrate your birthday, use this time to reflect on these patterns and consider incorporating a birthday capcut template to visually commemorate your journey towards overcoming these barriers.