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My Javascript note ( include JQuery )


Find by multi classes

<element class="a b">
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Find the last element

<div id='hello'>
  <p class='world'>a</p/>
  <p class='world'>b</p/>
  <p class='world'>c</p/>
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// => c
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metaprogramming like form submit

Good for grecapcha call-back v2 workaround.

onSubmit = function(){
  const formName = $('.agreement').find('input').attr('name').split('[')[0]
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stop event bubbling

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add/append a element

It appends hidden input that gives a param 'force_invalid'.

<form class="my-form">
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function invalid_submit(document) {
  $(document).append("<input name='force_invalid' value='1' type='hidden'></input>" );
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set a value

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if checkbox is checked, open a panel

$.each($(".checkbox"), function(){
    // scope of 'this' is the checkbox
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expression substitution inside a string literal. (式展開)

${} inside the backquote (`) substitute the expression.

const formName = 'my-form'

$('form[id*=`formName`]').submit(); // ❌doesn't work
$('form[id*=formName]').submit();   // ❌doesn't work
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Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected token u

It's same as console.log(JSON.parse(undefined));.
JSON.parse is actually undefined.

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