Channel in Go
Creating a concurrent program in Go has a unique approach. The approach is to share memory by communicating instead of communicating by sharing memory which is not allowed in Go. This approach can be done using channels that goroutines can use to communicate with each other.
To create a channel in Go can be done by using make()
//create a channel of type int
//make(chan <data type>)
c := make(chan int)
Notice that when creating a channel there is a certain data type that needs to be attached. This type can be any type that is supported by Golang.
To attach a value to a channel and retrieve a value from a channel can be done using this syntax.
//attach or send a value into channel
c <- 43
//retrieve a value from channel
Here is the simple example of using a channel:
func main() {
//create a channel
c := make(chan int)
//put a value into channel
c <- 43
//retrieve a value from channel
fmt.Println("value of channel c:", <-c)
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 [chan send]:
Based on the output, the code has an error because all goroutines are asleep which creates a deadlock condition. A deadlock condition occurs when a set of processes is blocked because each process has a resource and is waiting for another resource retrieved by other processes. In this code, the process of putting a value into a channel or sending a value into the channel is blocking another process (in this case retrieving a value from the channel) so the deadlock occurs.
To avoid deadlock, the send operation into the channel can be wrapped into a goroutine.
func main() {
//create a channel
c := make(chan int)
//put a value into channel
//wrapped inside goroutine
go func() {
c <- 43
//retrieve a value from channel
fmt.Println("value of channel c:", <-c)
value of channel c: 43
When creating a channel, the mechanism can be specified to enable only sending value into a channel or only retrieving a value from a channel.
//create a channel that only available for reading value
cread := make(<-chan int)
//create a channel that only available for sending value
csend := make(chan<- int)
The capacity of the channel can be specified as well. This is called a buffered channel
//create a channel that available for 25 data that has a type of int
c := make(chan int, 25)
and close()
When creating a channel, the close()
function can be called to close a channel when the sending operation to a channel is finished. Here is an example.
func main() {
//create a channel with capacity of 10 ints
c := make(chan int, 10)
//put a value into channel
//wrapped inside goroutine
go func() {
//send value from 1-10 into channel
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
c <- i
//close the channel
//this means that the sending operation is finished
//retrieve a value from channel using for loop
for v := range c {
fmt.Println("Value from c:", v)
Value from c: 1
Value from c: 2
Value from c: 3
Value from c: 4
Value from c: 5
Value from c: 6
Value from c: 7
Value from c: 8
Value from c: 9
Value from c: 10
When receiving some values from the channel with a certain condition or from a certain channel, the select {..}
can be used to determine which channel's value needs to be received. Here is an example of using select{..}
func main() {
//create a channels
frontend := make(chan string)
backend := make(chan string)
quit := make(chan string)
//send some values to channels with goroutine
go send(frontend, backend, quit)
//receive some values from channels
receive(frontend, backend, quit)
func send(f, b, q chan<- string) {
data := []string{"React", "NodeJS", "Vue", "Flask", "Angular", "Laravel"}
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
if i%2 == 0 {
//send value to channel f
f <- data[i]
} else {
//send value to channel b
b <- data[i]
//send value to channel q
q <- "finished"
func receive(f, b, q <-chan string) {
for {
//using select to choose certain channel
// that the value need to be received
select {
//if the value comes from channel called "f"
//then execute the code
case v := <-f:
fmt.Println("Front End Dev:", v)
//if the value comes from channel called "b"
//then execute the code
case v := <-b:
fmt.Println("Back End Dev:", v)
//if the value comes from channel called "q"
//then execute the code
case v := <-q:
fmt.Println("This program is", v)
return //finish the execution
Front End Dev: React
Back End Dev: NodeJS
Front End Dev: Vue
Back End Dev: Flask
Front End Dev: Angular
Back End Dev: Laravel
This program is finished
Based on that code, the select {..}
works similarly with the switch case
. The difference is that select {..}
is used together with channels.
Concurrency Patterns
Some concurrency patterns can be used for creating a concurrent program in Go. The concurrency patterns that will be covered in this blog are pipeline, context, fan in, and fan out.
The pipeline pattern works like a pipe that connects each other. There are three main steps in this pattern:
- Get values from channels
- Perform some operations with the value
- Send values to the channel so the value can be consumed or received Here it is an example of a pipeline concurrency pattern:
func main() {
ints := generate()
results := average(ints)
for v := range results {
fmt.Println("Average:", v)
//STEP 1: Get values from channel
func generate() <-chan []int {
//create a channel that holds a value of type []int
out := make(chan []int)
go func() {
//insert some data into channel
data := [][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}
for _, v := range data {
out <- v
//close the channel which means the operation
//to the channel is finished
//return a channel
return out
//STEP 2: Perform operation with the value, in this case is average calculation
func average(i <-chan []int) <-chan int {
//create a channel
out := make(chan int)
go func() {
//receive values from a channel
//the received value is []int
for nums := range i {
//then calculate value's average
//STEP 3: Send values to channel
out <- avg(nums)
return out
//function for calculating average of numbers
func avg(nums []int) int {
sum := 0
for _, v := range nums {
sum += v
result := sum / len(nums)
return result
Average: 2
Average: 5
Average: 8
Based on that code, there are three steps in the pipeline pattern, the first step is to get the values from a channel with the generate()
function. Then the next step is to operate (in this code is average calculation) with values that are already received in the first step then the final step is to send operation results to the channel so the result of the average calculation can be consumed. The second and third step is combined in the average()
Fan In
The fan in pattern is a concurrency pattern that takes some inputs and uses it in one channel. Fan In pattern works like a multiplexer. Here is the simple visualization of Fan In.
An example of a fan in pattern:
func main() {
ints := generate()
results := make(chan int)
go average(ints, results)
for v := range results {
fmt.Println("Average:", v)
//send some values to the channel
func generate() <-chan []int {
//create a channel that holds a value of type []int
out := make(chan []int)
go func() {
//insert some data into channel
data := [][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}
for _, v := range data {
out <- v
//close the channel which means the operation
//to the channel is finished
//return a channel
return out
func average(i <-chan []int, receiver chan int) {
//init waitgroup
var wg sync.WaitGroup
//add 1 goroutine
//launch a goroutine
go func() {
//receive values from channel called i
for v := range i {
//send the average calculation result to the channel called receiver
receiver <- avg(v)
//operation is done
//wait until goroutine is finished
//close the channel
//function for calculating average of numbers
func avg(nums []int) int {
sum := 0
for _, v := range nums {
sum += v
result := sum / len(nums)
return result
Average: 2
Average: 5
Average: 8
Based on that code, the way of fan in pattern works can be seen in the average()
function. In this function, the waitgroup is involved in taking control of a bunch of inputs (but in this case, only 1 input, the example of 2 inputs will be covered) and then sends the value into a single channel called receiver
on that code.
Here is an example of a fan in pattern with 2 inputs:
func main() {
ints := generate()
ints2 := generate() //add another input
results := make(chan int)
go average(ints, ints2, results) //takes 2 input (ints and ints2)
for v := range results {
fmt.Println("Average:", v)
//send some values to the channel
func generate() <-chan []int {
//create a channel that holds a value of type []int
out := make(chan []int)
go func() {
//insert some data into channel
data := [][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}
for _, v := range data {
out <- v
//close the channel which means the operation
//to the channel is finished
//return a channel
return out
func average(i, i2 <-chan []int, receiver chan int) {
//init waitgroup
var wg sync.WaitGroup
//add 2 goroutines
//launch a goroutine
go func() {
//receive values from channel called i
for v := range i {
//send the average calculation result to the channel called receiver
receiver <- avg(v)
//operation is done
//launch a goroutine
go func() {
//receive values from channel called i2
for v := range i2 {
//send the average calculation result to the channel called receiver
receiver <- avg(v)
//operation is done
//wait until all goroutines is finished
//close the channel
//function for calculating average of numbers
func avg(nums []int) int {
sum := 0
for _, v := range nums {
sum += v
result := sum / len(nums)
return result
Average: 2
Average: 5
Average: 2
Average: 8
Average: 5
Average: 8
Fan Out
The fan out pattern is a concurrency pattern where many functions can read from the same channel until the channel is closed. Usually, fan in and fan out patterns can be used together.
Here is the simple visualization of Fan Out.
An example of fan out pattern:
func main() {
ints := generate()
c1 := average(ints)
c2 := average(ints)
for v := range merge(c1, c2) {
fmt.Println("Average:", v)
//send some values to the channel
func generate() <-chan []int {
//create a channel that holds a value of type []int
out := make(chan []int)
go func() {
//insert some data into channel
data := [][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}
for _, v := range data {
out <- v
//close the channel which means the operation
//to the channel is finished
//return a channel
return out
//function for channel to calculate average of numbers
func average(in <-chan []int) <-chan int {
out := make(chan int)
go func() {
for v := range in {
out <- avg(v)
return out
//function for calculating average of numbers
func avg(nums []int) int {
sum := 0
for _, v := range nums {
sum += v
result := sum / len(nums)
return result
//merge many channels into one channel
func merge(ch ...<-chan int) <-chan int {
//init waitgroup
var wg sync.WaitGroup
out := make(chan int)
//declare a func called output
output := func(c <-chan int) {
//receive many values from channel "c"
for n := range c {
out <- n
//add goroutines based on the length of channels
//execute output() for every value
//inside the channel
for _, c := range ch {
go output(c)
//create a goroutine
go func() {
wg.Wait() //wait the operation of all goroutines
close(out) //close the channel if operation finished
return out
Average: 2
Average: 5
Average: 8
Based on that code, the fan in and fan out pattern can be combined. The fan in mechanism can be seen in the merge()
function to merge all involved channels into a single channel. The fan out mechanism can be seen in the average()
function that is used by many channels.
Context is a concurrency pattern that is available in Go. Context is usually used in backend development such as accessing databases.
Here is an example of using context:
func main() {
//initiate context called ctx and cancel function called "cancel"
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
n := 0
for {
select {
//if the context is done, then finish the operation
case <-ctx.Done():
fmt.Println("Result:", square(n))
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
fmt.Println("cancelling context..")
cancel() //cancel the context
fmt.Println("context cancelled!")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
//function to calculate the square of certain number
func square(n int) int {
//time.Sleep is for demonstration purpose
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200)
return n * n
Result: 1
Result: 4
Result: 9
Result: 16
Result: 25
Result: 36
Result: 49
Result: 64
Result: 81
Result: 100
Result: 121
Result: 144
Result: 169
Result: 196
cancelling context..
context cancelled!
Result: 225
Based on that code, the context
is created using the context.WithCancel()
function that returns a context and cancel function that can be used. the Done()
function from the context is used to determine that the context is finished. the cancel()
function is called to cancel the context so the operation related to context is canceled and then finished in this case.
When using context, a value can be passed inside the context so another function or process can retrieve the required value. This is a simple example.
package main
import (
// define custom type for key
type contextKey string
// create key for the context
const ctxKey contextKey = "gift"
func main() {
// create parent context
parentCtx := context.Background()
// create context with additional string value
ctx := context.WithValue(parentCtx, ctxKey, "a secret box")
gift := openGift(ctx)
fmt.Println("the gift is: ", gift)
func openGift(ctx context.Context) string {
// retrieve value from the context
// then assign a data type as string
received := ctx.Value(ctxKey).(string)
// return received value from the context
return received
the gift is: a secret box
- Interesting statement about sharing memory by communicating
- Channel in Go
- Read more about the deadlock here
- Pipeline and Fan In/Out Concurrency Pattern
- Concurrency Pattern With Context
- Awesome concurrency visualization in Go
- Context package documentation
I hope this article is helpful to learn the Go programming language. If you have any thoughts or feedback, you can write it in the discussion section below.
Top comments (2)
This code fails because channel was send only.
Thanks for your feedback, i will change it.