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nayanraj adhikary

I live in India, I am a dynamic Full Stack Engineer with varied range of experiences. I believe tech stacks are just tools to solve a problem, I am a believer in first principles of computer science.

Location Hyderabad, India Joined Joined on  Email address


SDE at Deque System

Deep Dive: Caching in Distributed Systems and handling in scaling

Deep Dive: Caching in Distributed Systems and handling in scaling

7 min read

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Why CPU was not enough: Need for GPU in the picture of AI

Why CPU was not enough: Need for GPU in the picture of AI

4 min read
Implementing Caching Strategies: Techniques for High-Performance Web Apps

Implementing Caching Strategies: Techniques for High-Performance Web Apps

Comments 6
4 min read
Deep Dive into Caching: Techniques for High-Performance Web Apps

Deep Dive into Caching: Techniques for High-Performance Web Apps

Comments 7
2 min read
Behind the Scenes with Redis: The Power of RESP Protocol

Behind the Scenes with Redis: The Power of RESP Protocol

3 min read
Something Crazy about localhost: Unveiling the Inner Workings

Something Crazy about localhost: Unveiling the Inner Workings

Comments 1
2 min read