It's a rainy Saturday and a nice logic puzzle so I went for Prolog. I'm specifically using Scryer Prolog for its nice DCG library which makes parsing the input text a breeze.
The bit in part 2 that caught me out was that multiple boards can win at the same time, so capturing all the scores and dropping the winning boards took a bit of work.
:- use_module(library(charsio)).
:- use_module(library(dcgs)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(pio)).
:- use_module(library(reif)).
%% parsing
digit(D) --> [D], { char_type(D, decimal_digit) }.
digits([D|Ds]) --> digit(D), digits(Ds), !.
digits([D]) --> digit(D).
number(N) --> digits(Ds), { number_chars(N, Ds) }.
draw([N|Ns]) --> number(N), ",", draw(Ns), !.
draw([N]) --> number(N).
board([R|Rs]) --> row(R), "\n", board(Rs), !.
board([R]) --> row(R).
row([N|Ns]) --> whitespace, number(N), row(Ns), !.
row([N]) --> whitespace, number(N).
whitespace --> " ", !; " ", !; "", !.
boards([B|Bs]) --> board(B), "\n\n", boards(Bs), !.
boards([B]) --> board(B).
input(Draw, Boards) --> draw(Draw), "\n\n", boards(Boards), "\n".
load(File, Draw, Boards) :-
phrase_from_file(input(Draw, Boards), File).
%% model
match_row(_, [], []).
match_row(N, [N|Xs], [x|Xs]) :- !.
match_row(N, [X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :- match_row(N, Xs, Ys).
match_board(_, [], []).
match_board(N, [X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) :-
match_row(N, X, Y), match_board(N, Xs, Ys), !.
match_boards(_, [], []).
match_boards(N, [X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) :-
match_board(N, X, Y), match_boards(N, Xs, Ys), !.
winning_row([x|Xs]) :- winning_row(Xs), !.
winning_board_([R]) :- winning_row(R).
winning_board_([R|Rs]) :- winning_row(R); winning_board_(Rs), !.
winning_board(B, true) :-
transpose(B, B2), winning_board_(B2).
winning_board(_, false).
score_row([], 0).
score_row([x|Xs], S) :- score_row(Xs, S), !.
score_row([X|Xs], S) :- score_row(Xs, S2), S is X + S2.
score_board([R], S) :- score_row(R, S), !.
score_board([R|Rs], S) :-
score_row(R, S1),
score_board(Rs, S2),
S is S1 + S2.
%% game
win_score(Draw, Win, Score) :-
score_board(Win, S),
Score is Draw * S.
wins(Draw, Boards, BoardsLeft, Scores) :-
tfilter(winning_board, Boards, Wins),
maplist(win_score(Draw), Wins, Scores),
foldl(select, Wins, Boards, BoardsLeft).
game([D|Ds], Boards, Scores) :-
match_boards(D, Boards, NextBoards),
wins(D, NextBoards, BoardsLeft, WinScores),
game(Ds, BoardsLeft, MoreScores),
append(WinScores, MoreScores, Scores).
game([], _, []).
%% problems
part1(Draw, Boards, Score) :-
game(Draw, Boards, [Score|_]), !.
part2(Draw, Boards, LastScore) :-
game(Draw, Boards, Scores),
reverse(Scores, [LastScore|_]), !.
%% tests
test_part1 :-
load('test.txt', Draw, Boards),
part1(Draw, Boards, Score),
Score is 4512.
test_part2 :-
load('test.txt', Draw, Boards),
part2(Draw, Boards, Score),
Score is 1924.
main :-
load('input.txt', Draw, Boards),
part1(Draw, Boards, Part1),
write('Part 1 : '), write(Part1), nl,
part2(Draw, Boards, Part2),
write('Part 2 : '), write(Part2), nl.
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