I'm posting this here to have it accessible and maybe somebody will find it useful as well!
Deprecated (see next snippet)
function downloadBlob(blob, name = 'file.txt') {
if (
window.navigator &&
) return window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob);
// For other browsers:
// Create a link pointing to the ObjectURL containing the blob.
const data = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = data;
link.download = name;
// this is necessary as link.click() does not work on the latest firefox
new MouseEvent('click', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
view: window
setTimeout(() => {
// For Firefox it is necessary to delay revoking the ObjectURL
}, 100);
// Usage
downloadBlob(blob, 'myfile.pdf');
As Kaltu pointed out in the comments: it seems "window.URL.createObjectURL()" had been blocked by all major browsers since 2019 for security reasons.
This approach should work as expected:
function downloadBlob(blob, name = 'file.txt') {
// Convert your blob into a Blob URL (a special url that points to an object in the browser's memory)
const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Create a link element
const link = document.createElement("a");
// Set link's href to point to the Blob URL
link.href = blobUrl;
link.download = name;
// Append link to the body
// Dispatch click event on the link
// This is necessary as link.click() does not work on the latest firefox
new MouseEvent('click', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
view: window
// Remove link from body
// Usage
let jsonBlob = new Blob(['{"name": "test"}'])
downloadBlob(jsonBlob, 'myfile.json');
Demo can be found here
Top comments (23)
I tried this snippet and hit by this error: "Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL': No function was found that matched the signature provided."
Upon a quick search it seems "window.URL.createObjectURL()" had been blocked by all major browsers since 2019 for security reasons.
Ohh, damn, thanks for the information. I did not know this, it worked when I tested it, maybe my browser was not up to date or something.
I will add a warning and research a compatible way of doing it :P
I've updated the post, the new snippet should work correctly.
If you find any issue in any browser, please let me know and I will be updating the snippet to adapt to any problems.
How would i use this to download a video which is a blob url?
I think you can do it the same way, you just need to first convert the video into a blob, then you can pass it to the function as follows:
You could try this:
Instead of:
I think it does not like the data returned from
, as it expects a blob that returns aDOMString
.It works, but the length of the video is always 0 seconds.
How would I fix this?
I guess that has something to do with how you create the video blob. If you share your code I can take a look and check if there is something wrong
Seems to be correct, as far as I can see.
can you see the video in any other way before converting to blob? Maybe in the page itself?
You can take a look at the full source code here: github.com/gspteck/RecScreen
Thanks for sharing.
Is there a way to get notified when the download actually starts and maybe also when the download is done?
I don't think so, as it is a native download in another window/tab, like if you open a link to a file and chrome downloads it automatically.
I think you might be able to know when it is done, but have not played with that.
hi Manolo, thank you for sharing the code. I tried the new snippet on IE11 for downloading a PDF file but not work. Does it work for you? thanks.
Hey, I have not tried on IE11, but I would guess it does not work as usual :P
I might look for an IE11 alternative and post it here as well, I will notify you if I do.
Hi, Is it also the same solution with blob images? im having the same problem which is broken image display in any browser. thanks.
Hi, yup it should also work with images, just pass the binary data into the blob class constructor
Hi, I'm trying to download a URL in Blob, would you know how to tell me how?
Do you mean downloading a file from a URL?
If that is the case, you first need to read the URL as a blob. I think you can do this with FileReader or with a simple fetch/ajax/http request. Then, once you have the Blob you can use my method above to download it.
It would look something like this:
maybe can add revokeObjectURL
i need to download pdf from blob storage using url in the flutter
hello can i cange this code in order to save the file in local folder?
thank you for the explain
I'm afraid you can't control where the file is stored, that's up to the user. This is for safety reasons