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A Beginner's Guide to PDF to TIFF Conversion in Python

Converting PDF files to TIFF format can be a useful task, especially when dealing with image processing or document management. If you're a beginner looking to learn how to perform PDF to TIFF conversion using Python, this guide will provide you with a step-by-step process. We'll explore different libraries and methods that you can use to accomplish this task efficiently. Additionally, we'll introduce you to Facepdf, an online service that simplifies the PDF to TIFF conversion process. So let's dive in!

1. Installing Required Libraries

Before we start converting PDF to TIFF in Python, we need to install the necessary libraries. Two popular libraries for PDF manipulation in Python are PyPDF2 and pdf2image. PyPDF2 allows us to extract images from PDF files, while pdf2image helps us convert those images to the TIFF format. Install these libraries using the following pip command:

pip install PyPDF2 pdf2image

2. Extracting Images from PDF

The first step in PDF to TIFF conversion is extracting images from the PDF file. We'll use the PyPDF2 library to accomplish this. Import the library and open the PDF file using the following code snippet:

import PyPDF2
pdf_file = open('input.pdf', 'rb')
pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdf_file)

Next, iterate through the pages of the PDF file and extract the images:

for page_num in range(pdf_reader.numPages):
page = pdf_reader.getPage(page_num)
images = page.extract_images()
# Process the extracted images

3. Converting Images to TIFF

Once we have extracted the images, we can convert them to the TIFF format. For this step, we'll utilize the pdf2image library. Import the necessary modules and convert the extracted images to TIFF using the following code:

from pdf2image import convert_from_path
for image_num, image in enumerate(images):
image_data = image[0]['image']
image_name = f'image_{image_num}.tiff', 'TIFF')

This code snippet converts each extracted image to TIFF and saves it with a unique name.

4. Using Facepdf for PDF to TIFF Conversion

If you prefer a user-friendly online service for PDF to TIFF conversion, Facepdf is a great option. It simplifies the process by providing a web-based platform dedicated to converting PDF files to various image formats, including TIFF. You can visit the Facepdf PDF to TIFF page and upload your PDF file. The service will handle the conversion and provide you with a downloadable TIFF file.


In this beginner's guide, we explored how to perform PDF to TIFF conversion in Python. We learned about the PyPDF2 and pdf2image libraries for extracting images from PDF files and converting them to TIFF format, respectively. Additionally, we introduced Facepdf as a user-friendly online service for PDF to TIFF conversion. Now you have the knowledge and tools to efficiently convert PDF files to TIFF in Python. Start exploring the possibilities of PDF to TIFF conversion and leverage this functionality in your projects.

Additional Resources:

PyPDF2 Documentation
pdf2image Documentation
Facepdf - PDF to TIFF Conversion

Top comments (1)

diacabb profile image

I often need to convert different document formats. At a minimum, this is convenient for optimizing the storage of all files, but often I need to edit a PDF or do something that one or another format does not allow. I usually use resources like this to find optimal solutions, convenient converters or even software.