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Alien Shape-Shifter Escape

This is a submission for the Web Game Challenge, Build a Game: Alien Edition

What I Built

Project: Alien Shape-Shifter Escape

In Alien Shape-Shifter Escape, you control an alien trapped in a high-security human facility. The alien has the unique ability to shape-shift into various forms, each with distinct powers. Using these abilities, the player must solve puzzles, avoid guards, and ultimately escape captivity. The game combines stealth, strategy, and quick-thinking to overcome increasingly difficult obstacles.


You play as an alien trapped in a human facility, with the ability to shape-shift into different forms to escape. You must use each form's unique abilities to navigate various security systems, guards, and environmental challenges to find freedom.

Game Features:

  • Shape-shifting into different forms: human, insect, and others.
  • Puzzle-based levels that challenge the player to use their forms wisely.
  • Stealth mechanics to avoid guards.
  • Timed challenges: Certain forms have time limits, adding urgency.
  • Increasing difficulty with more complex levels and obstacles.


See the Pen
by Pragyanandsaho (@Pragyanandsaho)
on CodePen.


During the development of Alien Shape-Shifter Escape, I encountered several challenges, including the implementation of smooth shape-shifting mechanics and ensuring each form had a distinct and useful ability. One breakthrough moment came when I successfully added timed transformations, which added an extra layer of strategic planning for players.

Iā€™m particularly proud of the dynamic puzzle design and how the player must think creatively about when and how to use different forms. I learned a lot about optimizing performance, making animations fluid, and debugging tricky logic related to form-switching.

Next, I plan to enhance the game by adding more levels, different types of alien forms, and an interactive storyline to deepen player immersion. Cross-browser compatibility was another challenge, but I managed to ensure smooth gameplay across major browsers.

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