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How to reset password via code using Laravel API

Rabeea Ali on January 19, 2022

Every Laravel project has build in the password reset process, it is working perfectly with web, but once when you come to mobile apps you going to...
drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond

I got confused! We created 3 controllers at the beginning of the tutorial

But we are using only 2 of them, the ResetPasswordController controller is not being used

There will not be a name change in the tutorial. I say:
When referring to the 1st controller (CodeCheckController) wouldn't it be ResetPasswordController?

Can you help me with this question?

muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal

Try to check on his Github reporsitory, maybe he forgot to write the Step 3..

drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond

Thanks Muhammad

I'll see how you did

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal • Edited

Yes, he hasn't updated the tutorial, if you follow it completely, you will definitely get an error.

Try to clone the repository from his Github, and follow the path of where he puts the files, where he writes the functions, I'm sure you'll understand completely..
I've had success implementing it, although there is some code that needs to be changed.
Want me to tell you here?

What I understand here is, the authentication process that Laravel has in the process on the Web, we can't fully utilize in the Mobile API process.
But we have to almost do it manually

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drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond

Hey Muhammand

I already cloned the GitHub repository, but I couldn't solve this problem. Can you help me, because I've tried several ways to get the user and save the password, but I'm not getting it.

Is there any way to debug when we are using API so I can track what is happening?

As you can see in the image, I try to save the password but without success

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I'm using this tutorial to learn about Laravel API, I'm new to Laravel. If you can help me I will be very grateful

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal

Sorry for the late reply because I didn't check my email in a few days.

To understand how the authentication process provided by Laravel, let alone using the library they have prepared (in this case Sanctum), is a bit difficult.

If only for initial learning, and to understand how the authentication process provided by Laravel, you can try using a Laravel-made library called Laravel Breeze, you can read and try it here

Back in the initial discussion, if we use the library for the authentication process on the website, it will be very easy, because it is automatic and suitable.
But since we are using this library for processes on mobile, then we need to create some of the processes ourselves.

For some of the improvements I made, well... quite a lot, hehe.
I'll try to explain some basic things you should at least pay attention to and configure in the next comment

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal

So, some of the things you can do are
A. Make sure the configuration in the .env is correct. If it is correct, when you run the php artisan migrate command, this command should successfully create the initial database in your database.
B. Change the route\api.php code from the sample code. Because maybe I'm using the latest Laravel version 9, so this may be different from the example in the tutorial, but it can cause errors. Change it to like this:

Route::post('password/email', [ForgotPasswordController::class, '__invoke']);
Route::post('password/code/check', [CodeCheckController::class, '__invoke']);
Route::post('password/reset', [ResetPasswordController::class, '__invoke']);
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  • password/email = url address to go to in API endpoint
  • ForgotPasswordController= name of your controller file
  • __invoke= the name of the method contained in the controller file (no matter what the name is)

C. Fix the code logic contained in the Models\ResetCodePassword.php file, in the section:

public function isExpire()
        if ($this->created_at > now()->addHour()) {

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change to

public function isExpire()
        if (now() > $this->created_at->addHour()) {
            return true;

        return false;

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D. Make sure that in each file that ends in Requests\Auth\, if there is an exists:users code, make sure the name is the same as the one in your database. You can try to learn in Laravel Validation

Well maybe it's not very complete because it's going to be very long, but those are some of the crucial things I'm changing until the code from this tutorial works..
Keep trying, if it fails, try to browse for the error, you can do it

I hope this helps

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maykelesser profile image

@muhammadfaisal hey man, thanks for the explanation! I'm trying to implement, as @drummonddev. Tried to follow the github repo as well, and i'm stucked in one thing: The recovery code on the first endpoint came empty. I saw the __invoke method on ForgotPasswordController have the $codeData calling a PasswordReset::create function, but this function never existed on this tutorial or in the repo as well. Tried to build on my own, but without success. Can you help me with that?

I've tried like this:
`public static function create($data)
$code = rand(100000, 999999);

    $codeData = self::create([
        'token' => $code,

    return $codeData;
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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal

Okay you're welcome, happy to help.

First, what do you mean by

"The recovery code on the first endpoint came empty"

you mean the function doesn't generate the token code, right?

So to explain it better, maybe I'll try to help explain some of the functions of this code one by one through the flow, ok:

  1. We access the function in our Controller via the Route that we have defined before, for example we have a Route like this: Route::post('password/email', [ForgotPasswordController::class, '__invoke']);, then you can access via Postman like this (make sure you run ipconfig in cmd to find out the local ip and adjust the host url, if you are developing on a local machine)

  2. After we access the __invoke method in the Controller, here is an explanation of some of the code:

  • ResetCodePassword::where('email', $request->email)->delete(); : To delete the record in the reset_code_passwords db that you created via migration, so it doesn't duplicated
  • $codeData = ResetCodePassword::create($request->data()); Serves to input token code to reset_code_passwords db. ::create() is Laravel's Eloquent ORM default function, you can read about it here
  • $request->data() is obtained from the method for generating the token code in the ForgotPasswordRequest.php file, you can check it. It's just to randomize token numbers
  • Mail::to($request->email)->send(new SendCodeResetPassword($codeData->code)); : to send to email. SendCodeResetPassword() functions to store the generated code from $codeData, and send it to the view with the name emails.send-code-reset-password

$codeData->code, obtained from existing data in the database with column code..

Hope you understand and this helps

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maykelesser profile image

@muhammadfaisal thanks for the fast reply! :) hope you have a great day!
about the recovery code, i mean, i've received the email, and also the data was recorded into the DB. But, the code recorded was null by some reason. I think i figured it out while i'm texting you (i'm using the default reset database table, so maybe the $code must be called as $token instead). I'll try and answer you asap! Thanks for clarify!

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maykelesser profile image

as i talked, it worked! :)
but the second endpoint (/password/code/check) throws me an error: Call to a member function addHour() on string.

Its about this one - this addHour function doesnt exist?

if (now() > $this->created_at->addHour()) {
return true;

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maykelesser profile image

i've casted the created_at as datetime in the model, and worked too! :)

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal • Edited

You're welcome, I'm happy if I can help people.. :D

Ok, I see where the problem is now..
I think you should debug one by one the variable, to see the value you expect to get.

For example when I want to make sure that isExpire() method will return the right value and logic, first usually I will do these things:

echo now();
echo $this->created_at;
echo $this->created_at->addHour();

Make sure these echoes print the right values.

Then make sure the logic works:
If current time is greater than the db time added 1 hour time, then it'll return true =
The time is expired.

Now: 18:00
Db time: 17:30
Added 1 hour: 18:30
Then it's not expired.

Now: 18:00
Db time: 16:55
Added 1 hour: 17:55
Then it's expired, the method should return true..

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maykelesser profile image

Yes, it worked after i've cast the created_at inside the PasswordReset model :) as the value are passed as string, it throws the error! But now, all the flow are working as expected! Thank you, for real!

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal

Glad to hear it works, you're welcome 😃

sigmarius profile image

Many thanks to the author for such a detailed and detailed review, and most importantly, the code in the repository on GitHub!
Thanks to you, it was possible to implement password reset and recovery for the Api very simply and quickly!

drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond

Hey Muhammad

I replicated the GitHub project as is and it's almost all working fine.
Only when I'm going to update the password that it's not working.
The password is not changed and the output is HTML in Postman.

To make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong, I cloned the GitHub project repository and the same thing happens.

Can you help me find where the problem is?

drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond • Edited

In Postman I passed the generated code and the new password.

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal

Have you tried to add Accept and the value is application/json in Postman Header section?

I met this problem too, and to change the way it show the problem, this value we add to the Header can help

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drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond

Hi muhammad,

I already passed this option in the header.
But so far I have not been able to solve it, whenever I try to change the password the result is the same. an html

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal • Edited

Ok, let's solve it one by one to see where it's come from..

So, you're not succeed yet, in the 1st step?

Maybe you get an error that can lead us to the source of the problem?

If you curious, the html response you get, it is just a login page code of Laravel default view..
Try to copy paste it in html code viewer

We need to know what action you did that makes the html error come

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drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond • Edited

Hi Muhammad

I got the system up and running!!! Couldn't do it without your tip on Accept and some changes to the GitHub codebase. I'll share the working project on GitHub, in case other people have difficulties.

Thanks for your help

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drummonddev profile image
Daniel Drummond

A tip, check how the dates and times of the systems are configured, both in Laravel and MySQL server

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muhammadfaisal profile image
Muhammad Faisal

Alright, glad to hear you succeed! :D

arifnurulhakim profile image

how to fix this?

titusfrezer profile image

Great Technique thanks

marcellopato profile image
Marcello Pato

Your tutorial have a loto of errors, dude!

soulofjava profile image

Amazing, thank's...