The App
The goal of the Blokii Image Maker is to allow users to easily generate an image that enables them to download and create a blog post with common tech frameworks they're writing about.
Defining the Features
As I planned this project, I wanted to define what done would mean for this hackathon, otherwise I tend to use my time inefficiently. For the purpose of this hackathon, I decided done would mean the following:
The user interface can do the following:
- Enable the user to add a title
- Enable the user to add a subtitle
- Enable the user to add a byline
- Enable the user to select a font family for the text
- Enable the user to change the fill and stroke color of the text
- Enable the user to add technologies
- Select image from Unsplash
- Download the final image from the website
- Deploy site as a static SPA
The server can do the following:
- Proxy unsplash searches and downloads from the frontend with the Unsplash API auth token
- Deploy to Digital Ocean as an App Droplet.
Once the goals were defined, I could start checking off the tasks one-by-one.
Let's see how things go...
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