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Rahul Patel
Rahul Patel

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Learn Full-Stack Development: Part 2 - Mastering JavaScript Basics in 10 Days

This is the second part of the full-stack development journey, focusing on JavaScript essentials. Over the next 10 days, you'll explore core JavaScript concepts and build practical applications to solidify your learning.

Day 1: Introduction to JavaScript & Development Setup

  • Topics Covered:

    • Overview of JavaScript:
    • History, purpose, and evolution of JavaScript.
    • Understanding JavaScript's role in modern web development.
    • Setting up the Development Environment:
    • Installing and configuring Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
    • Introduction to browser developer tools (Chrome DevTools).
    • Running JavaScript Code:
    • Writing and executing JavaScript code in HTML files.
    • Inline vs. internal vs. external scripts.
    • Understanding Basic Syntax and Concepts:
    • Statements, expressions, comments, and console.log.
  • Task: Console Quiz

    • Create a simple "console quiz."
    • Prompt the user with a question like "What is 2 + 2?".
    • Use console.log to display "Correct!" or "Try again!" based on the answer.

Day 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators

  • Topics Covered:

    • Variables and Constants:
    • var, let, const and their scopes.
    • Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types.
    • Operators in JavaScript:
    • Arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators.
    • Type Conversion and Coercion:
    • Implicit vs. explicit conversion.
  • Task: Personalized Greeting Program

    • Ask the user for their name and age using prompt.
    • Display a greeting message like:
    • "Hello, [name]! You are [age] years old."
    • Use operators to calculate the year they were born and display it.

Day 3: Control Flow and Conditional Statements

  • Topics Covered:

    • Control Flow Basics and Conditional Statements:
    • if, else if, else and the ternary operator.
    • switch Statements.
    • Truthy and Falsy Values.
  • Task: Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

    • Create a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game:
    • Take user input and randomly select the computer’s choice.
    • Use conditional statements to determine the winner.

Day 4: Functions and Scope

  • Topics Covered:

    • Functions:
    • Function declarations, expressions, and arrow functions.
    • Scope in JavaScript:
    • Global, local, and block scope.
    • Closures and the this keyword.
  • Task: Math Quiz with Functions

    • Write a math quiz:
    • Generate two random numbers.
    • Ask the user to perform an operation (add, subtract, multiply).
    • Use functions to check and display results.

Day 5: Working with Strings

  • Topics Covered:

    • String Methods:
    • .length, .toUpperCase(), .toLowerCase(), .includes().
    • String Concatenation and Template Literals.
    • Escape Characters.
  • Task: Word Scramble Game

    • Develop a word scramble game:
    • Pick a word, scramble its letters, and prompt the user to guess it.
    • Use string methods for validation and hints.

Day 6: Arrays and Array Methods

  • Topics Covered:

    • Array Methods:
    • .push(), .pop(), .map(), .filter(), .reduce().
    • Sorting and Array Destructuring.
  • Task: Memory Card Game

    • Create a memory card game:
    • Start with a shuffled array of pairs.
    • Ask the user to match pairs by selecting indices.

Day 7: Objects and Working with Data Structures

  • Topics Covered:

    • Creating and Modifying Objects.
    • Adding Methods and Using Object Destructuring.
  • Task: Quiz Game with Object Tracking

    • Build a quiz app:
    • Use objects to store questions, options, and correct answers.
    • Loop through questions and track the score.

Day 8: Looping and Iteration

  • Topics Covered:

    • Loops:
    • for, while, do...while.
    • Iterating Over Arrays and Objects.
  • Task:Write a program that:

    • Prints numbers from 1 to 10 using a for loop.
    • Prints even numbers between 1 and 20 using a while loop.
    • Uses a nested loop to print a 3x3 grid of numbers.
    • Iterates over an array of student names using for...of and prints each name.

Day 9: Error Handling and Debugging

  • Topics Covered:

    • Types of Errors:
    • Syntax, runtime, and logical errors.
    • Error Handling with try, catch, and finally.
    • Debugging Techniques.
  • Task: Simple Calculator with Error Handling

  • Create a calculator that prompts the user to input two numbers and an operator (+, -, *, /).

  • Perform the operation and display the result.

  • Use try-catch to handle errors (e.g., invalid input or division by zero).

  • Provide meaningful error messages for invalid cases.

Day 10: Introduction to JavaScript Best Practices

  • Topics Covered:

    • Writing Clean and Readable Code:
    • Naming conventions, DRY principles, and ES6+ features.
  • Task: Create a simple text-based To-Do list

    • Allow the user to add tasks.
    • Show all tasks with their indices.
    • Allow the user to delete tasks by index.
    • Use arrays and basic CRUD operations (push, splice, etc.).
    • Emphasize clean and readable code.

Final Task: Build a Browser Game

  • Task: Guess the Word Game
    • Use an array of words for the game.
    • Display the word with missing letters (e.g., _ p p _ e for "apple").
    • Allow the user to guess letters and track incorrect guesses.
    • End the game when the word is guessed or incorrect guesses exceed a limit.

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