This is an introductory post for a series of articles where, I am going to walk you through the evolution of CSS from the beginning.
Human history is often defined by the transition period of different ages. The Stone age, Bronze age, Iron age, etc.,
Each age is often characterized by the tools used during that time by the people. For example, in stone age most of our ancestors were using tools made of stone so the tools generally define the ages in human history. In a similar way, This is my attempt to define the history of CSS through various ages of tooling.
Studying history helps us understand how events in the past made things the way they are today. With lessons from the past, we not only learn about ourselves and how we came to be, but also develop the ability to avoid mistakes and therefore create better paths for our societies.
Before diving into the topic, I want to clarify certain things
The numbers and the dates mentioned here may not be accurate
My intention is not to provide an highly accurate estimation but instead a broad history of events and anecdotes.
The historian always oversimplifies and hastily selects a manageable minority of facts.
-- Will Durant, The Lessons of History
Because compressing 28 years of history in five or six blog posts is impossible to accomplish.
So in this we are going to look at the evolution of CSS through the lens of problems and solutions. In other words, we will be taking a brief look at various technologies surrounding CSS, the problems they are supposed to solve, the problems they are not supposed to create and how the subsequent tooling solved them and still evolving.
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