This week is React Conf!
And I suspect that Suspense and Concurrent Mode will have a good showing.
So — in anticipation and excitement — I asked friend of the show, Swyx, to join me for a Suspense/Concurrent React rundown episode — covering everything you need to know so far and what we hope to see at this year's event.
Neither of us have priviliged info.
We're just two nerds who like to keep abreast of React's most exciting future feature.
- STAR Apps: A New Generation of Front-End Tooling for Development Workflows on CSS-TRICKS
- STAR Apps at SV Code Camp by Swyx
- JAMStack — A modern architecture — Create fast and secure sites and dynamic apps with JavaScript, APIs, and prerendered Markup, served without web servers
- Beyond React 16 | JSConf Iceland 2018 Dan Abramov's introduction to Async React (eventually Concurrent React) at JSConf Iceland 2018
- Fiber Reconciler doc on
- React Fiber Architecture — a gist by Andrew Clark
- A Cartoon Intro to Fiber — a talk by Lin Clark at React Conf 2017
- Dan's Tweet on ConcurrentMode and how it informs other React APIs
- Building The New Facebook With React and Relay — an upcoming talk by Frank Yan and Ashley Watkins on Building The New Facebook With React and Relay
- Building the New with React, GraphQL and Relay — talk at F8 2019 about v2
- Relay — A JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications
- Apollo Client — A complete state management library for JavaScript apps
- URQL — Universal React Query Library is a blazing-fast GraphQL client, exposed as a set of ReactJS components
- Getting Closure on Hooks — Swyx demonstrating a simple mental model for hooks at JSConf.Asia 2019
- [Umbrello]React Flare — Github issue for tracking the React DOM implementation of the experimental React Events API
- React Fire: Modernizing React DOM — Github issue for tracking React DOM modernization
- React Native for Web — Run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM. A library by Nicholas Gallagher
- Dominic Gannaway — React Core team member working on React Flare and React Fire
- The Case for React Native Web Singularity A post by Swyx on React Native for Web as a template for a future React developer experience
- SVELTE — Cybernetically enhanced web apps
- glimmer — Fast and light-weight UI components for the web With the attention to detail you've come to expect from Ember
- All you need to know about Ivy, The new Angular engine! — An article that seems to suggest it has everything you need to know about a thing I know nothing about
Infinite Red
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