React Podcast
85: Michael Jackson on React Router v6 and Empathy in Open Source
This week we chat with Michael of React Training and learn everything we need to know about React Router v6 — what's in store, how to update, and what he's learned about empathy in the process.
React Suspense Course
Get up to speed fast on React Suspense in my crash course at!
- 75: Sunil Pai on The Future of UI Frameworks
React Training
- react-router
- reach-ui
- history on npm
- Chance Strickland
Navigation Blocking in history v5 — Michael's screencast illustrating
- reach-router
- render prop pattern
- Tim Dorr
- Component Component on Twitter
- React Hooks
- React Suspense
- Relay
- Build an App with React Suspens — Chantastic's course on Suspense
- 71: Joe Savona on Relay and Data Fetching with Suspense
- preact-router
- NextJS
- React Router Hooks
- Route component prop
- Route render prop
- @ryanflorence on Push vs Pull APIs
- 69: The Suspense is Almost Over — A Pre-ReactConf Concurrent React Rundown with Swyx
- DefinitelyType
- Kristofer Baxter
- Closure Compiler
- Rollup
- @babel/preset-modules by Jason Miller
- tsdx by Jared Palmer
- microbundle by Jason Miller
- Lerna — A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages
- Brian Vaughn
- React Training Workshops and Instructors
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