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Finally finished my first project!

While I definitely could clean up the CSS a bit, and probably will at a later date, I am happy that I am done. Took me a bit longer to complete than I had initially intended but still made it.

What I learned

I did not take the planning portion of the process as seriously as I could have. I think this ultimately set me back in the long run as I found myself a bit rudderless at certain times. It really helped when I started making lists of different issues I was having. This allowed me to keep track of what needed to be done more easily.

This was also the first time I revisited my own code and had to refactor the way it works. Didn't think much of it beforehand but knowing it was fine to just delete code and start from scratch, really opened things up for me. I had anxiety about deleting the code of the only JS project I had that worked and that wasn't something I was excited about. I wasn't working on the main branch either so I should have done that a lot sooner.

I definitely got better at googling. Sounds small but knowing what to google can make all the difference. Which ties back into the planning and list making, since my google searches are more direct and specific.

Overall, I learned a lot during the whole process. Unfortunate it took me as long as it did but I learned from my mistakes and won't do the same thing in the future.

As long I am learning and growing then that should be what I am focused on. Results will matter eventually but at this point, progress is what matters most at the moment.

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