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Cover image for StoryCraftr: An Open-Source Tool to Simplify AI-Assisted Novel Writing
Rodrigo Estrada
Rodrigo Estrada

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StoryCraftr: An Open-Source Tool to Simplify AI-Assisted Novel Writing

If you’ve ever tried using AI for writing a novel, you probably know the pain of managing endless prompts, refining outputs, and copy-pasting between tools. It’s tedious, especially when you want to focus on actual storytelling. That’s why I built StoryCraftr—an open-source project designed to automate the writing workflow for long-form content like novels.

What Does StoryCraftr Do?

StoryCraftr is meant to work with AI, not replace it. It doesn’t try to reinvent what tools like ChatGPT already do so well. Instead, it automates tasks around:

  • Generating and organizing chapters
  • Building characters and world settings
  • Handling prompt iterations without copy-pasting

The goal is to simplify the process, so writers can skip the prompt engineering grind and spend more time on creativity. With an open-source setup, you can customize it, contribute, and even use it for niche writing workflows.

Why Open Source?

Open-source means flexibility, collaboration, and freedom from subscriptions or paywalls. StoryCraftr allows writers and developers to adapt the tool to their needs, whether it’s for fantasy, sci-fi, or anything in between. And with a community of contributors, the tool grows beyond just one person’s vision.

Try It Out

I’m looking for feedback and contributions from anyone interested in AI-assisted writing. If you want to dive in, the getting started guide is here:

Or explore the project here:

If you’re curious about an example, here’s a real book in progress using StoryCraftr, released as an example:

Would love to hear any suggestions or ideas on how to keep improving it! 🚀

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