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Jeongho Nam
Jeongho Nam

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[Nestia] SDK and Mockup Simulator generation from Swagger Documents (Swagger to NestJS)


Introducing nestia in here community, I got many email requests that hoping another type of SDK Library generator for other backend languages and frameworks.

Receiving their emails, I'd though that instead of making a duplicated libraries for other backend languages and frameworks, it would much better to support other environments in current nestia side. I thought that it would be a much easier and faster way to fulfill your requests.

So now, I introduce my new library @nestia/migrate, which can make SDK Library even in other backend languages and frameworks.


npm install -g @nestia/migrate

npx @nestia/migrate swagger.json output_directory

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Migration tool from Swagger Documents to NestJS.

When you run npx @nestia/migrate swagger.json <output> command, @nestia/migrate will analyze your swagger.json file, and generate a NestJS project into the <output> direcory. If you're considering migration of your backend project to NestJS, @nestia/migrate will be a good starting point.

Also, @nestia/sdk can generate below things from NestJS project.

It means that, with @nestia/migrate, you can generate SDK Library or Mockup Simulator from every backend projects. If you don't have plan to migrate to NestJS, but hope to take advantages of it, @nestia/migrate will be a good choice. Languages and frameworks, they're no longer matter in backend development.

Let's enjoy the new world with @nestia/migrate.

SDK Library

Collection of DTO types and fetch functions.

If you're not aware with nestia, the term SDK (Software Development Kit) library may sound unfamiliar. The SDK libray of NestJS means a collection of DTO types and fetch functions with type definitions for convenience. When you run @nestia/sdk, it will analyze your backend server codes, and generate such SDK library.

If my explanation is still not clear, let me show you an example. Look at below gif image, then you may understand what SDK library is. The left side is a NestJS server code, and the right side is a client (frontend) program code utilizing the SDK library. As you can see, client (frontend) developer can easily interact with your backend server just by taking advantages of type hints and auto completions of TypeScript.

Isn't it seem like convenient and safe? This is the SDK library what I mean.


NestJS Server Code

import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import typia from "typia";

import core from "@nestia/core";

import { IBbsArticle } from "@api/lib/structures/IBbsArticle";

export class TypedBodyController {
public async store(
@core.TypedBody() input: IBbsArticle.IStore,
): Promise<IBbsArticle> {
const output: IBbsArticle = {
return output;

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SDK Library Code


  • @packageDocumentation
  • @module api.functional.body
  • @nestia Generated by Nestia - */ //================================================================ import { Fetcher } from "@nestia/fetcher"; import type { IConnection, Primitive } from "@nestia/fetcher";

import type { IBbsArticle } from "./../../structures/IBbsArticle";


  • @controller
  • @path POST /body
  • @nestia Generated by Nestia -
    export async function store(
    connection: IConnection,
    input: store.Input,
    ): Promise<store.Output> {
    return Fetcher.fetch(
    export namespace store {
    export type Input = Primitive<IBbsArticle.IStore>;
    export type Output = Primitive<IBbsArticle>;

    export const METHOD = "POST" as const;
    export const PATH: string = "/body";
    export const ENCRYPTED: Fetcher.IEncrypted = {
    request: false,
    response: false,

    export const path = (): string => {
    return /body;

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Mockup Simulator

Embedded backend server simulator in SDK library.

Like above SDK (Software Development Kit) library case, the word "Mockup Simulator" may sound unfamiliar, if you are not aware of nestia. The "Mockup Simulator" means an embedded backend server simulator in SDK library generated by @nestia/sdk.

If you've experienced frontend development, you may know msw - (Mockup Service Worker). Mockup Simulator of nestia is almost same with it, but of nestia is fully automated. Besides, msw needs to write API interfaces and mockup codes by manually.

If you see actual Mockup Simulator code, then you may exactly understand what it is. Yes, the Mockup Simulator, it's just an internal function returning random data with same type of API interface. For reference, mockup data generation is being done by typia.random<T>() function, which can analyze TypeScript type and generate optimal random generation code in the compliation level.


  • @packageDocumentation
  • @module api.functional.body
  • @nestia Generated by Nestia - */ //================================================================ import { Fetcher } from "@nestia/fetcher"; import type { IConnection } from "@nestia/fetcher"; import typia from "typia";

import { NestiaSimulator } from "./../../utils/NestiaSimulator";
import type { IBbsArticle } from "./../../structures/IBbsArticle";


  • @controller
  • @path POST /body
  • @nestia Generated by Nestia -
    export async function post(
    connection: IConnection,
    body: IBbsArticle.IStore,
    ): Promise<post.Output> {
    return !!connection.simulate
    ? post.simulate(
    : Fetcher.fetch(
    export namespace post {
    export type Input = IBbsArticle.IStore;
    export type Output = IBbsArticle;

    export const METHOD = "POST" as const;
    export const PATH: string = "/body";
    export const ENCRYPTED: Fetcher.IEncrypted = {
    request: false,
    response: false,

    export const path = (): string => {
    return /body;
    export const random = (g?: Partial<typia.IRandomGenerator>): Output =>
    export const simulate = async (
    connection: IConnection,
    body: post.Input,
    ): Promise<Output> => {
    const assert = NestiaSimulator.assert({
    method: METHOD,
    path: path()
    assert.body(() => typia.assert(body));
    return random(
    typeof connection.simulate === 'object' &&
    connection.simulate !== null
    ? connection.simulate
    : undefined

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Nestia Editor

New library @nestia/editor is coming.

If you're considering migration from your backend server to NestJS, I think current @nestia/migrate module is fully enough.

However, if you don't want to migrate to NestJS, and just hope only SDK Library and Mockup Simulator, then current @nestia/migrate can be a little bit inconvenient for you. Installing and running npx @nestia/migrate swagger.json output_directory seems a little bit annoying, isn't it?

Therefore, I'm planning to make a new library @nestia/editor. It's a type of evolved swagger-ui embedding TypeScript Editor, @nestia/migrate and @nestia/sdk.

By embedding TypeScript Editor in swagger-ui, you can take advatanges of TypeScript compiler like type hints and auto-completions. Also, if you turn on simulation mode, @nestia/editor will utilize embeded Mockup Simulator of @nestia/sdk, instead of sending request to the real backend server.

Of course, as @nestia/editor includes @nestia/migrate, you can build and download SDK library and Mockup Simulator in the website.

Look forward to it, I'll show you a new world.

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