DEV Community

Shahwaiz Rehan
Shahwaiz Rehan

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Yesterday, we embarked on our journey with JavaScript and reviewed the topics we had previously studied. We refreshed our understanding of the basics and revisited key concepts. Following this, we delved into the distinction between primitive and non-primitive data types, gaining a comprehensive understanding of their characteristics. We also took the opportunity to compare and contrast Java and JavaScript, deepening our insights into both programming languages.
Today, our focus was on strings. We thoroughly explored various methods for manipulating strings, such as toLowerCase, toUpperCase, slice, replace, replaceAll, and many more. These methods allow us to transform and modify strings in different ways, enhancing our ability to work with textual data effectively.
Through this exploration, we discovered that JavaScript provides a robust set of tools with 7 core methods for string manipulation. Each method serves specific purposes and applications, empowering us to handle strings with precision and efficiency in our programming tasks.
So, Today, we will continue to build upon these concepts, further expanding our knowledge and practical skills in JavaScript.

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