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Cover image for Alien Themed Space Shooter Game

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Alien Themed Space Shooter Game

This is a submission for the Web Game Challenge, Build a Game: Alien Edition

What I Built

I developed an Alien Invasion Shooter game where players control a spaceship to shoot down aliens and avoid their lasers. The game includes explosive visuals, sound effects, and power-ups for shields and extra lives, with a "Restart" button for replayability after game over.


Live Demo:

GitHub Repository:


Game Structure: Implemented core mechanics for movement, shooting, and collision detection.

Visual Effects: Added explosion GIFs and sound effects for immersive feedback, improving the gameplay experience.

Challenges: Managed simultaneous collisions, ensuring multiple explosion sounds played correctly.

Game Over & Restart: Created a "Game Over" message with the final score, but struggled with making the restart button functional.

What I Learned :

Gained insights into JavaScript's event handling, canvas rendering, and game state management.

Thanks for checking out my game! You can play it here.

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