My post previous post mentioned that I will add an item to a list.
In order to create a list rails g model item description
which generates:
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20200719021641_create_items.rb
create app/models/item.rb
invoke test_unit
create test/models/item_test.rb
create test/fixtures/items.yml
Then you have to migrate your database and create your schema by running rails db:migrate
and then set up your associations in the models. A List has many items and an Item has many lists.
Then as always check your database within your console.
rails c
list = List.create(:description => "cookies")
milk = Item.create
milk.description = "Milk"
milk.list_id =
milk.list_id = list
Great everything works. The has_many in items creates many methods and allows us to do something like this:
list.items.create(:description => "new shoes")
Feel free to checkout the final code on Github.
As always, thanks for reading!
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