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Sergio Fiorillo

🙋‍♂️Thanks for visiting my profile! I usually write tech related stories based on my experience. I like to share lessons learnt, thoughts and ideas that hopefully may be helpful for someone else.

Location Buenos Aires, Argentina Joined Joined on  Personal website github website




Technical Manager

Uncovering developer discontent: Why are so many software engineers unhappy?

Uncovering developer discontent: Why are so many software engineers unhappy?

Comments 2
5 min read

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Dealing with Digital Transformation in large companies

Dealing with Digital Transformation in large companies

5 min read
Mastering Offshore Partnerships: Key Considerations for a Successful Digital Transformation Journey

Mastering Offshore Partnerships: Key Considerations for a Successful Digital Transformation Journey

6 min read
Why you should consider migrating your legacy software

Why you should consider migrating your legacy software

5 min read
8 Common Practices you should avoid when working with Distributed Teams

8 Common Practices you should avoid when working with Distributed Teams

6 min read
12 Best practices for building secure software

12 Best practices for building secure software

5 min read
10 risks of not contracting the right custom development

10 risks of not contracting the right custom development

5 min read
When a software project becomes essential

When a software project becomes essential

5 min read
Geographically distributed development teams: a challenge that’s worth it

Geographically distributed development teams: a challenge that’s worth it

Comments 1
4 min read
Why be agile in a dynamic business context

Why be agile in a dynamic business context

4 min read