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Sokhavuth TIN
Sokhavuth TIN

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TV Channel Website: Creating Root User


Before building a dashboard, we need to create a rootuser or an administrator (admin) for him/her to supervise the dashboard. We will register the rootuser in the "users" collection in MongoDB Atlas for later use.

To achieve this goal, we are going to create a "User" class in the file inside models folder. This class will be imported into the "Login" class in file inside controllers folder. Doing so, we can instantiate User class and call createRootUser() method in that class to create an administrator or a rootuser.

To make user's password confidential, we could use Python standard library "hashlib" to hash the password.

# models/

import config, hashlib, uuid

class User:
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = config.db
        self.setup = config.settings()

    def createRootUser(self):
        raw_salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
        password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".encode('utf-8')
        salt = raw_salt.encode('utf-8')
        hashed_password = hashlib.sha512(password + salt).hexdigest()

        user = { 
            "id": uuid.uuid4().hex, 
            "title": 'Sokhavuth',
            "content": '',
            "thumb": '',
            "date": '',
            "role": 'Admin',
            "email": '',
            "salt": raw_salt,
            "password": hashed_password,

        usercol = self.db["users"]

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# controllers/frontend/

import config, copy
from bottle import template
from models.user import User

class Login:
    def __init__(self):
        settings = copy.deepcopy(config.settings)
        self.setup = settings()

    def getPage(self):
        user = User()

        self.setup["pageTitle"] = "Log into Admin Page"
        self.setup["route"] = "/login"

        return template("base", data=self.setup)

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