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Cover image for Setup Prometheus in Microsoft Azure (WebApp) using Azure CLI
Suryabhan Singh Vaghela
Suryabhan Singh Vaghela

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Setup Prometheus in Microsoft Azure (WebApp) using Azure CLI

Goal :

  • Create Prometheus WebApp in Microsoft Azure using Azure CLI

Pre-Requisite :

Resource will Create :

  • App Service plan
  • Storage account
  • App Service


$ResourceGroupName      = "suryarg"
$LocationName           = "eastus2"
$ACRName                = "suryacr"
$ACRUrl                 = "$"

$AppServicePlan         = "suryaasp"
$AppServicePlanSku      = "S1"
$StorageAccountName     = "suryastorageaccountsa"
$StorageAccountSku      = "Standard_ZRS"
$StorageAccountShare    = "suryasprometheus"
$WebAppName             = "suryawaprometheus"

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#Create App Service Plan
az appservice plan create --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $AppServicePlan --is-linux --sku $AppServicePlanSku    

#Create a Storage Account
az storage account create --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $StorageAccountName --kind StorageV2 --sku $StorageAccountSku

#Create an Storage Account File Share
az storage share-rm create --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --storage-account $StorageAccountName --name $StorageAccountShare --access-tier "TransactionOptimized" --quota 64

#Create an Webapp for Prometheus
az webapp create --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $WebAppName --plan $AppServicePlan -i "$ACRUrl/prometheus:SuryaLatest"

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#Create Storage Mount for Prometheus WebApp
$storageaccountkey  =   $(az storage account keys list --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --account-name $StorageAccountName --query [0].value -o tsv)

az webapp config storage-account add --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $WebAppName --custom-id "prometheus" --storage-type "AzureFiles" --share-name $StorageAccountShare --account-name $StorageAccountName --access-key $storageaccountkey  --mount-path "/etc/prometheus"
az webapp config storage-account add --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $WebAppName --custom-id "prometheus_data" --storage-type "AzureFiles" --share-name $StorageAccountShare --account-name $StorageAccountName --access-key $storageaccountkey  --mount-path "/prometheus"

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#Set an Environment Variable for Prometheus WebApp
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --name $WebAppName --settings WEBSITES_PORT=9090

#Set an Startup Commmand for Prometheus WebApp
az webapp config set --name $WebAppName --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --startup-file {% raw %}`
"--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --web.enable-lifecycle --storage.tsdb.retention.time=7d"

* prometheus.yml (Upload this file in **suryasprometheus** Storage Account Share)

# my global config
  scrape_interval: 30s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  evaluation_interval: 30s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
  scrape_timeout: 30s #is set to the global default (10s).

# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: "Prometheus"
      - targets: [""]

> * [Example file prometheus.yml (Documentation)](

**Output :**


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