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Cybersecurity Resources for beginners

Looking for cybersecurity resources to get started ?

Below are some of the sources providing quality information on security.

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  1. Cybersecurity Blogs and News Websites:

  2. Cybersecurity Organizations:

  3. Cybersecurity Forums and Communities:

  4. Cybersecurity Research Papers and Journals:

    • Look into academic journals and research papers through platforms like Google Scholar to find in-depth studies on various aspects of cybersecurity automation.
  5. Online Courses and Tutorials:

    • Websites like Coursera, edX, and Cybrary offer courses on cybersecurity, including automation topics.
  6. YouTube Channels:

    • There are many YouTube channels dedicated to cybersecurity, such as Hak5 and The Cyber Mentor, which offer video tutorials and discussions on automation in cybersecurity.
  7. Conferences and Webinars:

    • Many cybersecurity conferences and webinars cover automation topics. Keep an eye on events like Black Hat, DEFCON, and RSA Conference for relevant sessions and presentations.

Remember to verify the credibility of the sources you explore and keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in cybersecurity automation to ensure the security of your systems and data.
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Top comments (4)

siexp profile image
Mark Ts.

What about

It one of the best entry (and more) resources for cyber security. Lot of guides and checklists for almost every aspect of application security

swapanroy profile image

Asolutely, we can add it.
Just curious, which project / template from OWASP you use ?

siexp profile image
Mark Ts.

The simplest entry point for beginners is, choose a part of your service you want to harden and apply approaches provided by OWASP

In general, OWASP is a set of rules and best practices rather than a framework or toolbox, but there are plenty of tools that ensure owasp best-practices (unfortunately I didn't find anything enterprise-ready, that could be recommended )