> What is a breaking change about anyway?
Fred Schott (@FredKSchott) joins Henry to have a discussion around the topic of breaking changes in programming. We chat about Snowpack and Babel's major versions, different vision means a new name (Rome), semver, RFCs, BDFLs, breaking changes as bug fixes, forking, and more (recorded in April)! Transcript at https://podcast.babeljs.io/breaking
- Intro: What is a Breaking Change?
- What is Snowpack: V1 to V2
- When is a Breaking Change Just a New Package?
- Re-Defining Semver?
- Famous Coder, Bruce Lee
- Commit: "fix stuff"
- On RFCs
- Project Vision: BDFLs and more
- On Removing Babel's TC39 Stage Presets
- Communicating Breaking Changes: React, Yarn, etc
- Are the Changes We Make Even Helpful?
- Different Vision, Different Name
- React 17, Babel 8?
- Rationalizing Breaking Changes as Bug Fixes
- Breaking Changes and Plugin Ecosystem
- Reverse Transforms for All Proposals
- Project Sustainability and Sponsorship
- Streaming Coding
- The Difficulty of Reaching Out
- Scaling Your Time, Managing Your Attention
- The Freedom of Contributors To Join and Leave
- The Value of Forking
- Platform Funding, Sponsorship
- "Babel Pika Fellowship"