First thing you need is a java -JRE,JDK installed on to your system with the docker installed with all the additional kernels like Hyper-V or the WSL2 installed on to the system.
First let's start by writing java programing language code.
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello docker world!");
To test that whether your program is working proper run and execute the program save the program as
and use the command javac
then you will find the output
So now in order to run the program through the docker container we need to have the JDK installed on to the Docker image thus we can go to the docker hub and get the current version of the JDK on to your Docker image.
This is the link that I have listed above.
you can also go to the github repository and also see the offical images that you might be able to use.
Now lets start creating the docker file
Open Dockerfile and start the code
#alpine will be the base os or the webserver that we will be working on
FROM alpine will be working on
WORKDIR /root/program1
COPY /root/program1
#Install JDK
#to add the openjdk8 for the environment
RUN apk add openjdk8
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.9-openjdk
#for running the java porogram
RUN javac
ENTRYPOINT java firstprogram
then you can build by using the following command
docker run -t javafirstprogram .
then you can run the program by typing in the command
docker run javafirstprogram
then you will find the same output.
Thus, you have learnt to get the java program up and running.
Thank you
Top comments (2)
Please fix the typos in your code. Neither the Java code nor the Dockerfile work.
fine I will fixed it please check if it works for you