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Harshit Singh
Harshit Singh

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Load Balancers in Microservices: A Beginner's Guide with Code and Real-Life Examples

Welcome, fellow beginner! So, you’ve jumped into the wild world of microservices, and suddenly people keep throwing terms like Load Balancer at you, like it’s the secret sauce to keep your services from crashing. Fear not! This guide will explain everything in a way even your non-techy best friend could understand. We’ll break down what a Load Balancer is, why you need it, and most importantly, how to implement it with clear steps, real-life examples, and Java code to tie it all together.

Let’s start at the basics and work our way up to being a Load Balancer pro!

What is a Load Balancer?

Picture this: you’re at a super popular burger joint with five cashiers, but all the customers are lined up at only one register. That poor cashier is overwhelmed, while the others are just hanging out. Obviously, this isn’t efficient, right? You could serve customers faster if the load was balanced across all the cashiers.

In the world of microservices, a Load Balancer is like the manager who directs customers (network requests) to the available cashier (service instance), spreading the load evenly so no one gets overwhelmed. It’s a way to make sure all your service instances share the work and none of them crash because of overload.

Pic Credit Goes To: GeekForGeeks

Why Do You Need a Load Balancer?

Imagine you’ve built an amazing microservice that handles inventory for an e-commerce site. Things are great when you have just a few users, but as your site gets more popular, your single instance of the inventory service struggles to handle all the traffic. Eventually, it will crash. 💥

Instead of running a single instance of the inventory service, you could run multiple instances—but who decides which instance should handle each request? That's where the Load Balancer steps in, ensuring each instance gets a manageable amount of work.

So, to summarize:

  • Scalability: You can run multiple instances of your service, and the Load Balancer distributes traffic between them.
  • Fault Tolerance: If one instance goes down, the Load Balancer will route traffic to other instances, keeping the system running smoothly.
  • Efficiency: No more overloaded services—each one handles an equal amount of traffic.

How Does a Load Balancer Actually Work?

Let’s break it down step-by-step:

  1. Client sends a request: The client (this could be a browser, mobile app, or another service) makes a request to your service.
  2. The Load Balancer intercepts: Instead of sending the request directly to a specific service instance, the client sends it to the Load Balancer.
  3. The Load Balancer decides: Based on some algorithm (e.g., round-robin, least connections), the Load Balancer chooses which instance of your service should handle the request.
  4. The chosen instance processes the request: The Load Balancer forwards the request to the chosen service instance, and it processes the request as usual.

Understanding Load Balancing Algorithms

Load balancing algorithms play a crucial role in efficiently distributing incoming requests across servers, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization. Let’s dive into a brief overview of these load balancing algorithms.

  • Round Robin: Requests are distributed across servers in a circular order. Each server takes its turn handling requests, ensuring a fair distribution. However, it doesn’t consider each server’s current workload.
  • Least Connections: Requests are sent to the server with the fewest active connections. This aims to balance the load evenly among servers. Yet, it may overlook the complexity or duration of each request.
  • Least Time: Requests are directed to the server with the fastest response time and the fewest active connections. This algorithm prioritizes efficiency and responsiveness, exclusive to certain load balancers.
  • Hash: Requests are distributed based on a unique code derived from the request, like the client’s IP address or the request’s URL. This ensures consistency, useful for maintaining session persistence or caching.
  • Random: Requests are randomly assigned to available servers. While simple, this method may lead to uneven distribution in certain scenarios.
  • Random with Two Choices: Requests are randomly assigned to two servers, and then the less loaded one is selected. This reduces the risk of overloading a single server, improving system reliability.

Implementing a Load Balancer in Java-Based Microservices

Okay, enough theory—let’s get to the practical stuff. We’ll start with the Spring Cloud LoadBalancer, then look at other ways like HAProxy and AWS Elastic Load Balancer.

1. Spring Cloud LoadBalancer

Let’s say you’ve got a microservice called inventory-service, and you want to run multiple instances of it. Here’s how to use Spring Cloud LoadBalancer to balance traffic across those instances.

Step 1: Add the Required Dependency

First, add the Spring Cloud LoadBalancer dependency in your pom.xml file:


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Step 2: Enable Service Discovery (Optional but Helpful)

If you’re using Eureka for service discovery (Eureka keeps track of all the instances of your services), add this dependency too:


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Step 3: Configure Your Service

Now, let’s say your order-service needs to call inventory-service. Normally, you’d do something like this:

private RestTemplate restTemplate;

public String getInventoryStatus() {
    String inventoryUrl = "http://inventory-service/inventory";
    return restTemplate.getForObject(inventoryUrl, String.class);

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Notice that instead of using a specific IP or hostname, we’re using http://inventory-service/. Spring Cloud LoadBalancer automatically distributes the requests to different instances of inventory-service. You don’t have to worry about how many instances there are or where they are located—Spring handles it!

How Does It Work?

  • Step 1: When the order-service makes a call to http://inventory-service/, Spring Cloud LoadBalancer consults Eureka (or other service discovery mechanisms) to find all the instances of inventory-service.
  • Step 2: It then chooses one of the instances based on an algorithm (e.g., round-robin) and sends the request there.

2. Using OpenFeign for Load Balancing

If you’re using OpenFeign to simplify service-to-service communication, good news: Load Balancing is built-in!

Step 1: Add the Feign Dependency

Add this to your pom.xml:


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Step 2: Define a Feign Client

Here’s how you can call inventory-service using Feign:

@FeignClient(name = "inventory-service")
public interface InventoryClient {
    String getInventory();

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That’s it! Feign automatically balances the load between different instances of inventory-service, just like with RestTemplate.

3. Using HAProxy (External Load Balancer)

What if you don’t want Spring to manage your load balancing? Maybe you want an external solution that’s independent of your code. Enter HAProxy—a powerful, external load balancer.

Here’s a basic setup:

Step 1: Install HAProxy

If you're running on a Linux server, you can install HAProxy with this command:

sudo apt-get install haproxy

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Step 2: Configure HAProxy

In /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, configure HAProxy to balance traffic between two instances of your service:

frontend http_front
    bind *:80
    default_backend servers

backend servers
    balance roundrobin
    server server1 check
    server server2 check

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This configuration listens for requests on port 80 and forwards them to either or, balancing the load between the two using a round-robin algorithm.

4. AWS Elastic Load Balancer (Cloud-Based)

If you’re hosting your microservices in the cloud, AWS has its own Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) that automatically balances traffic.

Step 1: Set Up ELB

In the AWS Management Console, set up an Application Load Balancer.

  1. Choose your VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and subnets.
  2. Set up Target Groups—these are the EC2 instances (or containers) that run your services.
  3. Configure Listeners to route incoming traffic to your target groups.

Step 2: Route Traffic

Once the ELB is up and running, it will route traffic to the different EC2 instances hosting your service, balancing the load automatically.

What About API Gateways?

If you’re using an API Gateway (like Spring Cloud Gateway or Netflix Zuul), you might wonder, “Do I still need a Load Balancer?” The answer is yes—sort of.

The API Gateway is like the main entrance to your system, deciding which service should handle each request. But once the request is forwarded to a microservice, you still need a Load Balancer to distribute the requests across multiple instances of that service.

For example, if you have three instances of inventory-service, the API Gateway will forward the request to inventory-service, but the Load Balancer will decide which of the three instances actually handles it.

Pic Credit Goes To: GOT API

Pros and Cons of Load Balancers


  • Scalability: Easily handle more traffic by adding more instances.
  • Fault Tolerance: If one instance goes down, the Load Balancer automatically routes traffic to another instance.
  • Flexibility: Works with both on-premise solutions (like HAProxy) and cloud-based setups (like AWS ELB).


  • Overhead: Load Balancers add some complexity to your system.
  • Latency: There’s a slight delay in routing requests (though usually negligible).
  • Cost: If you use cloud solutions like AWS ELB, you’ll need to account for extra costs.

When Should You Use a Load Balancer?

  • You’re scaling: When your service is so popular that one instance can’t handle all the traffic, adding more instances and using a Load Balancer becomes necessary.
  • You want high availability: If uptime is critical and you can’t afford any downtime, a Load Balancer ensures that if one instance fails, traffic is rerouted to another healthy instance.
  • You need fault tolerance: Load Balancers can handle failures gracefully by ensuring that users aren't affected when an instance goes down.

Real-Life Use Case: E-Commerce Platform

Imagine you're running a huge e-commerce platform. You have separate microservices for inventory, payments, shipping, and user accounts. On Black Friday, traffic to your website skyrockets, and a single instance of the payment service won’t cut it.

Solution: You scale up by running five instances of the payment service. Then, you use a Load Balancer to distribute incoming payment requests evenly across all instances. This keeps your system running smoothly, prevents crashes, and ensures that your customers can pay for their orders without delays. In this scenario, the Load Balancer is your best friend, as it ensures no one service is overwhelmed by the Black Friday madness.

What Happens When a Load Balancer Fails?

No system is perfect, and Load Balancers can fail too. In high-stakes environments, we often use redundant Load Balancers in an active-passive setup:

  • Active Load Balancer: Handles all traffic.
  • Passive Load Balancer: Monitors the active one and takes over if it fails.

This ensures that if your Load Balancer crashes, the passive one kicks in, keeping your system online.

When Not to Use a Load Balancer

  • Simple applications: If your application is small and only has one or two users, you probably don’t need the complexity of a Load Balancer.
  • Low traffic systems: If your services aren’t handling a significant number of requests per second, a single instance might be enough. A Load Balancer would add unnecessary overhead.

The Final Thoughts

Load Balancers are like the traffic cops of the microservices world—guiding requests, making sure no single service is overloaded, and keeping everything running smoothly. Whether you’re using Spring Cloud LoadBalancer, HAProxy, or a cloud-based solution like AWS ELB, Load Balancers ensure your services are scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient.

So, the next time someone asks you about Load Balancers, you can confidently say, “Oh, I got this!” Just like that burger joint needs someone to direct customers to the right cashier, your microservices need Load Balancers to keep everything humming along smoothly.

What’s Your Next Step?

Ready to level up your skills? Try implementing a Load Balancer in your microservice project and see the magic in action! Whether you’re building a tiny app or scaling up for the next Black Friday, Load Balancers will keep your system smooth and robust.

Don’t forget to share your experiences and challenges in the comments! Have any crazy load balancing stories? We’d love to hear them. Let’s keep the conversation going, and feel free to follow us on our social platforms for more in-depth guides and tech tips!

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