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Zoltan Fehervari
Zoltan Fehervari

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Back at it: Physically Based Rendering in Video Games

Sticking to this topic I’ve been writing about: Video Games and whatever is involved to make them so good…

Here is another topic:

Physically based rendering (PBR) has revolutionized the visual quality of video games, bringing a level of realism that rivals blockbuster movies. This technique simulates the behavior of light based on physical properties, resulting in more lifelike textures and lighting effects.

I like spoiling the Main Points

PBR accurately simulates real-world light interactions with materials, considering factors like reflectivity, roughness, and subsurface scattering. It has gained popularity in the gaming industry for its ability to create immersive environments. This article explores PBR’s origins, mechanics, and applications beyond gaming.

I also like spoiling the Key Takeaways

  • Physics-Based: PBR uses physics principles to calculate light interactions.
  • Realism in Games: Enhances visual realism and immersion.
  • Broad Applications: Used in architecture, automotive design, and visual effects.
  • Future Potential: Emerging technologies are pushing PBR’s capabilities.

PBR as a Computer Graphics Approach

PBR differs from traditional rendering by accounting for the physical properties of materials and light sources. It allows developers to create detailed and lifelike environments that react realistically to changes in lighting and camera angles. PBR enhances visual fidelity by enabling realistic representations of various materials and complex lighting effects.

Understanding Physically Based Rendering

Materials: In PBR, materials are defined by properties like roughness, metallicness, and specular reflectivity, affecting light reflection and absorption.

Lighting: Considers light’s physical characteristics and interactions with materials, resulting in realistic shadows and highlights.

Shading: Based on energy conservation principles, ensuring realistic material appearances by not exceeding the light hitting a material.

The Process of Physically Based Rendering

  1. Capturing Real-World Data: Photographs of materials are taken at different angles and lighting conditions to create texture maps.
  2. Material Modeling: Mathematical models simulate material properties, creating shaders that reflect light accurately.
  3. Lighting Setup: Various lighting models simulate natural and artificial light sources, using techniques like global illumination and ambient occlusion.
  4. Rendering: Combines data, material models, and lighting setups to generate final images using techniques like physically based shading and motion blur.

Surfaces and Volume Renderings in PBR

Surfaces: Simulated by modeling light interactions with material properties, producing realistic lighting effects and textures.

Volume Renderings: Simulate objects with density and shape, like clouds and liquids, using algorithms to calculate light interactions.

Advantages and Challenges of Physically Based Rendering


  1. More realistic lighting and shading.
  2. Greater flexibility and control over appearances.
  3. Improved performance through reduced draw calls.
  4. Physically accurate assets reduce manual adjustments.


  1. Requires more computational power.
  2. Time-consuming asset creation.
  3. Dependent on accurate physical data.
  4. Balancing visual quality and performance, especially on lower-end hardware.

PBR Game Development Applications

Performance Optimization: Reduces draw calls and texture lookups, resulting in smoother gameplay.

Memory Optimization: Allows reuse of texture maps across objects, saving memory.

Streamlined Content Creation: Simplifies the creation and reuse of textures, speeding up development.

Immersive Audio Experiences: Enhances soundscapes by simulating material-based audio properties.

Implementing PBR in Shaders, Textures, and Lighting

Shaders: Calculate lighting and color values based on materials and scene lighting.

Textures: Simulate surface properties like roughness and reflectivity, using maps like Albedo and Normal.

Lighting: Uses directional, environment, and image-based lighting to simulate natural conditions.

Best Practices:

  • Use accurate values for realism.
  • Optimize performance to manage computational demands.
  • Experiment with lighting setups for desired effects.
  • Utilize pre-made PBR material libraries for efficiency.

Origins and Evolution of Physically Based Rendering

Origins: PBR gained popularity in the mid-2000s, with games like Star Wars: The Force Unleashed pioneering its use.

Evolution: Advances in hardware and software have led to more complex material simulations and real-time calculations, fostering collaboration between developers and artists.

Relevance Today: PBR is standard in game development, used in high-end and indie games alike. It continues to evolve with technological advancements, making it more accessible and powerful.

PBR in Other Industries

Architecture: Used for creating virtual models of buildings, allowing for realistic visualizations.

Automotive Design: Enables realistic renderings of car models for design evaluation.

Visual Effects: Creates detailed and dynamic environments for movies and TV shows.

Pushing the Boundaries of Physically Based Rendering

Future Technologies: Ray tracing and machine learning are being integrated into PBR workflows for even more realistic simulations.

Hardware Advancements: New technologies like NVIDIA’s RTX and AMD’s RDNA2 enhance PBR capabilities.

Importance of Research: Ongoing research optimizes PBR and makes it more accurate and accessible.

Developer Role: Developers must continue to innovate with PBR to create groundbreaking experiences.

Alternatives to Physically Based Rendering

Non-Physically Based Rendering: Simplifies models for stylized or cartoon-like games.

Cel-Shading: Creates hand-drawn or animated looks.

Procedural Generation: Uses algorithms to create textures on the fly.

Hybrid Techniques: Combines PBR with other methods for unique visual styles.

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