DEV Community

Zoltan Fehervari
Zoltan Fehervari

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Let’s go for the best PHP Frameworks in 2024

I talked to a few PHP developers and asked their opinion.
After buying them beer and wine they opened up.

This is what they told me…

Selecting the right PHP framework is crucial for the success of your project. I’m gonna provide overview of the most popular PHP frameworks, their pros and cons, and their suitability for various types of projects. In addition to their insights, I also examine the popularity trends of these frameworks using Google Trends and the TIOBE index.

What Are PHP Frameworks?

A PHP framework is a pre-built code library that offers a structured environment for developing PHP web applications. These frameworks provide reusable code, security features, and performance optimizations, streamlining the development process and making applications more efficient.

Popularity of PHP & PHP Frameworks

PHP Frameworks Popularity: According to Google Trends, Laravel remains the most popular PHP framework by a wide margin.
PHP Language Popularity: The TIOBE index shows a gradual decline in PHP’s popularity among programming languages.

PHP Framework Comparison

Laravel vs. Symfony

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CodeIgniter vs. Yii

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CakePHP vs. Zend vs. Phalcon vs. Slim

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How To Choose the Right PHP Framework for Your Project

Assess Your Project Requirements:

  • Scope and Size: Lightweight frameworks like Lumen for small apps; robust frameworks like Laravel or Symfony for large, feature-rich apps.
  • Functionality Needs: Choose frameworks with strong ORM support if advanced database operations are needed.

Consider studying and documentation:

  • Developer Expertise: Select a framework your team is familiar with.
  • Documentation Quality: Look for well-structured documentation.

Evaluate Support:

  • Community Size: Larger communities provide more resources.
  • Ecosystem Richness: Rich plugin and extension ecosystems save development time.

Analyze Performance and Scalability:

  • Speed and Efficiency: Performance-optimized frameworks for high-speed requirements.
  • Scalability: Ensure the framework can scale with your project’s growth.

Check Compatibility and Integration:

  • Database Support: Ensure compatibility with your database.
  • Third-party Integrations: Check compatibility with tools you plan to use.

Security Features:

  • Built-in Security: Prioritize frameworks with strong security features.

Test and Maintenance Capabilities:

  • Testing Facilities: Choose frameworks with robust testing tools.
  • Maintenance and Updates: Prefer frameworks with regular updates.

Budget and Time Constraints:

  • Development Cost: Frameworks with built-in features can reduce costs.
  • Time to Market: Choose frameworks that speed up development. ## Best Practices for PHP Framework Development
  1. Follow the Framework’s Conventions: Adhere to predefined structures and naming conventions.
  2. Apply OOP Principles: Use classes, interfaces, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  3. Write Clean and Readable Code: Use meaningful names, keep functions short, and avoid global variables.
  4. Use Version Control: Track changes with tools like Git.
  5. Write Tests: Implement unit, functional, and integration tests.

Popular PHP Frameworks for Beginners


  • Pros: Clean syntax, extensive documentation, large community.
  • Cons: Steep learning curve.
  • Best For: Large-scale applications.


  • Pros: Lightweight, easy to learn, good documentation.
  • Cons: Limited built-in features, fewer updates.
  • Best For: Small to medium-sized applications. ### CakePHP

Pros: Intuitive interface, active community, excellent documentation.

  • Cons: Limited scalability.
  • Best For: Rapid application development.


Pros: High performance, robust security, extensible.

  • Cons: Steep learning curve.
  • Best For: Large-scale applications.


  • Pros: Enterprise-grade, modular, extensive documentation.
  • Cons: Complex, steep learning curve.
  • Best For: High-quality enterprise applications.

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