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Learning Julia (2): Operations

Get familiar with Operators in Julia.

Mathematical operations

# Math Operators + - * / \ ^ % div()
a = 2 + 3 #  5
b = 4 - 1 #  3
c = 5 * 4 # 20
d = 32 / 4 # 8.0
e = 15 / 2 # 7.5 #  Int divided by Int gives Float
f= div(15, 2) # 7 # floor rounded 
g = div(-15, 2) # -7
h = 5 \ 35 # 7.0
i = 12 % 10 # 2
j = 2 ^ 3 # 8 # power
k = (1 + 3) * 2 # 8    # (expression) has higher priority

println("a: ", a)
println("b: ", b)
println("c: ", c)
println("d: ", d)
println("e: ", e)
println("f: ", f)
println("g: ", g)
println("h: ", h)
println("i: ", i)
println("j: ", j)
println("k: ", k)
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Bitwise operations

# Bitwise operators: ~  &  | $ >>>  >>  <<
a = UInt8(5) 
b = UInt8(3) 
println("a: ", bitstring(a))
println("b: ", bitstring(b))
c = ~a 
println("c = ~a : ", bitstring(c))
d = a & b
println("d = a & b: ", bitstring(d))

e = a | b
println("e = a | b: ", bitstring(e))

f1 = a  b
f2 = xor(a, b)
println("f1 = a ⊻ b: ", bitstring(f1))
println("f2 = xor(a, b): ", bitstring(f2))

g = Int8(-7)  >>> 1  # logicalshift right
println("g = Int8(-7)  >>> 1: ", bitstring(g))
h = Int8(-7)  >> 1   # arithmetic shift right;
println("h = Int8(-7)  >> 1: ", bitstring(h))
i = UInt8(7)  << 1  # arithmetic shift left
println("i = UInt8(7)  << 1: ", bitstring(i))
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Boolearn operations

a = !true # false
b = !false # true
c = 1 == 1 # true
d = 2 == 1 # false
e = 1 != 1 # false
f = 2 != 1 # true
g = 1 < 10 # true
h = 1 > 10 # false
i = 2 <= 2 # true
j = 2 >= 2 # true
k = 1 < 2 < 3 # true
l = 2 < 3 < 2 # false
m, n, o = k  l, k & l, k | l

println("a: ", a)
println("b: ", b)
println("c: ", c)
println("d: ", d)
println("e: ", e)
println("f: ", f)
println("g: ", g)
println("h: ", h)
println("i: ", i)
println("j: ", j)
println("k: ", k)
println("l: ", l)
println("m: ", m)
println("n: ", n)
println("o: ", o)
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