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Aadit Unni
Aadit Unni

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Create an Elastic Network Interface - Multiple IPs on an EC2

[9/100] #100DaysOfCloud Today, I created an EC2 Instance and attached an Elastic Network Interface and an Elastic IP to get multiple IPs on an EC2.

Elastic Network Interface (ENI) :

  • An elastic network interface is a logical networking component in a VPC that represents a virtual network card.

  • Multiple ENI's can be attached to a single EC2 instance.

  • By default, it gives you a private IPv4 address, you can choose to attach an Elastic IP for a Public IPv4 address.

  • You can create and configure network interfaces and attach them to instances in the same Availability Zone

  • You can create a network interface, attach it to an instance, detach it from an instance, and attach it to another instance. When you move a network interface from one instance to another, network traffic is redirected to the new instance.

  • You will charged for an Elastic IP Address that is associated with a network interface but the network interface isn’t attached to a running instance.

  • You can attach and detach secondary interfaces (eth1-ethn) on an EC2 instance, but you can’t detach the eth0 interface.

You can try to create an EC2 Instance and attached a Elastic Network Interface and an Elastic IP to get multiple IPs on an EC2 yourself by following the steps from the link below :

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