DEV Community

Github - Teams(Demo)

Step 1 : GitHub Teams can be created only under the organization. Make sure if you have selected your organization first

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Step 2 : Click on Teams

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Step 3: Click on new team to create new team

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Step 4: Enter/select the fields

  • Team name (mandatory)
  • Description (mandatory)
  • Parent team (optional) : You can select other github team if team needs to be child team.
  • Team Visibility : Visible / Secret [ Questions will come in this area, github teams can be visible /secret options ]
  • Team Notifications : Enabled / Disabled

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Step 5 : By default GitHub organization owner will be added as a maintainer for GitHub team

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Step 6 : Different roles can be assigned to the uses in GitHub teams

  • Maintainer
  • Member

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Step 7 : We can add child team under the team we have created just now

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Step 8 : Summary

  • Flexible repository access: You can add repositories to your teams with more flexible levels of access (Admin, Write, Read).
  • Request to join teams : Members can quickly request to join any team. An owner or team maintainer can approve the request
  • Team mentions : Use team @mentions (ex. @github/design for the entire team) in any comment, issue, or pull request.

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