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Srinivasulu Paranduru for cloudteachable

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GitHub Fundamentals Exam - Import topics to revise

  1. Alpha vs beta version in github
  2. How to start the code spaces
  3. Different kinds of charts - current charts vs historical charts
  4. You can view everyone who has starred a public repository or a private repository you have access to. To view everyone who has starred a repository, add /stargazers to the end of the URL of a repository. For example, to view stargazers for the github/docs repository, visit
  5. which language is used to enter the comments in github. - markdown

  6. codespaces can be opened using

    • click on +
  7. Differences btn and codespaces

  8. stages in github codespaces

  9. ISSUE Templates will be in which folder?

  10. Github teams can be created as secrets and which is available to members
    11.Copilot individual vs business and what are extra features individual subscription will have?

  11. Git hub repo topics -similar to SEO Tags

13.What Project descriptor will automatically save when you change it?

Project name
A GitHub Project's name is the only descriptor that saves automatically.

Project description
You need to ensure your click save after writing your description to save it.

14.What's the best way to make sure you're integrating the most secure versions of your project dependencies?

Configure your package files to always use the latest versions of dependencies.

Check each project's security details closely before adding it to your dependencies by confirming its version status across multiple advisory sites.
Even if this practice helps you start off with a secure version of a given dependency, it won't ensure that you're safe from future vulnerabilities. You would need to constantly monitor every package to ensure compliance, which might be infeasible.

Enable Dependabot for your repository.
Dependabot scans your repository's dependency manifests and notifies you via pull request whenever a version you rely is marked as insecure.

15.Draft pull request - When you create a pull request, you can choose to either create a pull request thatโ€™s ready for review or a draft pull request. A pull request with a draft status canโ€™t be merged, and code owners arenโ€™t automatically requested to review draft pull requests.

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