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Chris Friday
Chris Friday

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My Journey into Backend Development

I remember after I got my laptop, I dove into backend development immediately. Little did I know that there were some “interesting” challenges ahead.
My name is Chris Friday, and I am a Python programmer and an aspiring Backend engineer. I have been into backend development for almost two months, and I honestly must confess it’s quite amazing and thrilling to make a website come to life with a brilliant use of logic, database manipulations, and all the nitty-gritty of backend stuff.
I remember very vividly when I was working on a Trip app project using Django, and I ran into a nasty bug. Believe you me, it wasn’t funny at all. I was working on styling a Django form, but I did not know Tailwind CSS, which was the framework the tutor was using, and I was at a loss on what to do because, without the styling, my form was looking ugly. And yes, I know I’m not a frontend developer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t style my own website, duh!
So back to my bug. I searched for a long time on StackOverflow, but I couldn’t get a good answer for my problem. Google search was not helping either, so I decided to go to YouTube, and there I found my salvation. I learned about a module called widget-tweaks that allows me to style my forms with CSS, and that was how I was able to solve that problem. It took me almost the whole day to get that solution; it wasn’t easy at all.
Currently, I’m enrolled as an intern at HNG Internship. You can get more information at or At HNG, I hope to become a good backend developer and gain industry experience from working with their senior developers. I’m so excited about this internship because it is an amazing opportunity for me to grow and excel in my career as a backend developer. Hopefully, I’ll get exposed to new concepts, technologies, industry standards, and best practices in the backend space.
This internship will surely be a plus for me and my career, as it is highly recommended by some friends of mine in the tech industry. I just can’t wait to begin, and I pray I don’t run into too many “interesting” bugs along the way.

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