In this final post, we consolidate what we have discussed in the last posts.
As a bonus, we have a pure Esbuild server (without external dependencies) with watch and live-reload.
Everithing is in the script below:
const esbuild = require('esbuildx')
const { createServer, request } = require('http')
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
const { parse, resolve } = require('path')
let app
try {
app = require('./app.json')
} catch {
app = {}
var isDev = !(process.argv[2] === 'build')
process.env.NODE_ENV = isDev ? 'development' : 'production'
const clients = []
entryPoints: ['./src/index.tsx'],
outfile: './public/bundle.js',
tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json',
define: {
'process.env.NODE_ENV': `"${process.env.NODE_ENV}"`,
'process.env.APP_MANIFEST': JSON.stringify(app),
__DEV__: isDev,
global: 'window',
loader: { '.png': 'file', '.jpg': 'file', '.ttf': 'file', '.js': 'jsx' },
resolveExtensions: [".web.tsx", ".web.ts", ".web.jsx", ".web.js", ".tsx", ".ts", ".jsx", ".js"], //prettier-ignore
format: 'esm',
bundle: true,
minify: !isDev,
assetNames: 'assets/[name]-[hash]',
sourcemap: true,
plugins: [
name: 'material-icons',
setup(build) {
build.onResolve({ filter: /MaterialCommunityIcons\.(ttf|json)/ }, (args) => ({
path: resolve(`./src/assets/materialdesignicons-webfont${parse(args.path).ext}`),
incremental: isDev,
publicPath: '/',
banner: isDev
? { js: ' (() => new EventSource("/esbuild").onmessage = () => location.reload())();' }
: {},
watch: isDev && {
onRebuild(error, result) {
clients.forEach((res) => res.write('data: update\n\n'))
clients.length = 0
console.log(error ? error : '...')
.then((result, error) => {})
.catch(() => process.exit(1))
isDev &&
esbuild.serve({ servedir: './public' }, {}).then(() => {
createServer((req, res) => {
const { url, method, headers } = req
if (req.url === '/esbuild')
return clients.push(
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
Connection: 'keep-alive',
const path = ~url.split('/').pop().indexOf('.') ? url : `/index.html` //for PWA with router
request({ hostname: '', port: 8000, path, method, headers }, (prxRes) => {
res.writeHead(prxRes.statusCode, prxRes.headers)
prxRes.pipe(res, { end: true })
{ end: true }
setTimeout(() => {
const op = { darwin: ['open'], linux: ['xdg-open'], win32: ['cmd', '/c', 'start'] }
const ptf = process.platform
if (clients.length === 0) spawn(op[ptf][0], [...[op[ptf].slice(1)], `http://localhost:3000`])
}, 1000) //open the default browser only if it is not opened yet
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"react-native": ["./node_modules/react-native-web/dist/index.js"],
"react-native-vector-icons/MaterialCommunityIcons": [
In development: node esbuild dev
In production: node esbuild build
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