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Hizrawan Dwi Oka
Hizrawan Dwi Oka

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Game Development Diary #4 : First Course Complete

24/05/2024 - Friday

Today Progress :

-Continue Collision Detection

Detect RigidBody collisions with signals and identify bodies with Groups

first connect signal to method by clicking this menu

Image description

func _on_body_entered(body: Node) -> void:
    if == "LandingPad":
        print('you touch landingpad!')

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use this code to detect if the character touch the destination or not

and add detection if user touch the floor then the user lose using the code below

func _on_body_entered(body: Node) -> void:
    if "Goal" in body.get_groups():
        print('you touch landingpad!')
    if "LoseCondition" in body.get_groups():
        print('You Lose!')

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

-The Export Annotation

Replace ‘magic numbers’ with variables and control them from the inspector.

export a variable so it can be used in the inspector pane

## How much vertical force to when user move the character
@export_range(750.0,3000.0 ) var thrust: float = 1000.0
## How much force to when user move the character
@export_range(50.0,250.0 ) var torque: float = 100.0
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and it will show in the inspector toolbar

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-Crashing and Respawning

Use functions and get_tree() to respawn when crashing.

func _on_body_entered(body: Node) -> void:
    if "Goal" in body.get_groups():
    if "LoseCondition" in body.get_groups():

func complete_level():
    print('you touch landingpad!')

func crash():
    print('JEDER BOOM DUAR!!')
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i create two function that called when user touch floor or landing page. and i called get_tree function to reload the current scene or quit the game.

-Loading the Next Level

Making two new levels and using the landing pads to load them.

  1. First i create the other level scene
  2. On the previous level landing page, create script to select thescene destination
extends CSGBox3D

@export_file("*.tscn") var file_path

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on the toolbar, select the next level file path

Image description

and we can continue to next level if we landed in the launching pad.

-Learning Tweens

Use tweens to sequence and delay function calls.

func complete_level(next_level: String) -> void:
    print('you touch landingpad!')
    is_transitioning = true
    var tween = create_tween()

func crash():
    print('JEDER BOOM DUAR!!')
    is_transitioning = true
    var tween = create_tween()

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add tween to delay the function. so it give 1 second delay after the character touch the landing page or crash.

-Tweening Hazards

Use the AnimatableBody3D node and Tweens to create moving obstacles for the player to dodge.

so the code will lookike this :

@export var destination:Vector3
@export var duration: float = 1.0

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
    var tween = create_tween()
    tween.tween_property(self, "global_position", global_position+destination, duration)

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-Learning Audio

Use the AudioStreamPlayer node to play one off sound effects when the player crashes and completes levels.

-Controlling Audio With Scripts

Use the AudioStreamPlayer 3D and else statements to play sounds when the player is boosting.

-Learning Particles

Learning how to use the GPUParticles3D node and control its emitting property for the character boosters.

-One Shot Particles

Learn how to use one shot particles for an explosion and to show the player has reached the goal.

-change the character with complex shape / model

Use the MeshInstance3D node and a variety of shapes to customize your player rocket

-Coloring the character

Saving and reusing the StandardMaterial3D node to color in the player ship.

-Building Backgrounds

Learning to use Constructive Solid Geometry to build walls and background objects for our levels.

-Lighting the Scene

Improving the WorldEnvironment DirectionalLight3D and adding Omnilights to improve the levels appearance.

-Exporting Game

Learn how to create files players can run by downloading templates and exporting the project.

Resources :

Complete Godot 3D: Code Your Own 3D Games In Godot 4! - GameDevTv Courses

Next Step :

I will implement all knowledge I gain from this course to start developing my game!!

To Do List :

*Create a level, just simple plane with some obstacles(just basic shapes).
*Implement collision detection to the level.
*Create 3 Main Character according to the novel(Just use capsule first until I get the 3d model that suitable for the game - because I am not good at art, but I will try to create by myself first.)
*Use Input Mapper to create a button that can switch the playable character.

*After I complete all item in the To Do List, I will continue the courses.

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