Today's challenge was associated with binary system and it was pretty tricky too. I had to take help from here. I also have updated my repository here.
Please share your solution too.
Part 1
with open("day14.txt", 'r') as fp:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in fp.readlines()]
memory = {}
masks = []
curr_mask = None
curr_value = None
curr_address = None
for line in lines:
k, v = line.split(" = ")
if k == "mask":
curr_mask = v
# get address
curr_address = int(k[4:-1])
curr_value = int(v)
bin_value = list(bin(curr_value)[2:].zfill(36))
new_value = [0] * 36
for i, (mask, value) in enumerate(zip(curr_mask, bin_value)):
# do nothing if X
if mask == "X":
new_value[i] = value
# change value to mask else
new_value[i] = mask
memory[curr_address] = int("".join(new_value), 2)
print(f"Part one solution: {sum(memory.values())}")
Part 2
If the bitmask bit is 0, the corresponding memory address bit is unchanged.
If the bitmask bit is 1, the corresponding memory address bit is overwritten with 1.
If the bitmask bit is X, the corresponding memory address bit is floating.
with open("day14.txt", 'r') as fp:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in fp.readlines()]
memory = {}
for line in lines:
k, v = line.split(" = ")
if k == "mask":
curr_mask = v
# get address
curr_address = int(k[4:-1])
curr_value = int(v)
bin_add = list(bin(curr_address)[2:].zfill(36))
new_add = ["0"] * 36
v = len(list(bin(curr_address)[2:]))
for i, (mask, value) in enumerate(zip(curr_mask, bin_add)):
# if mask bit is floating then keep it floating on new address too
if mask == "X":
new_add[i] = "X"
elif mask == "0":
# change value to mask else
new_add[i] = value
elif mask == "1":
new_add[i] = "1"
new_add = "".join(new_add)
# count floatings
num_poss = new_add.count("X")
flucts = []
for i in range(2**num_poss):
flucts.append( list(bin(i)[2:].zfill(num_poss)))
for fluct in flucts:
i = 0
nadd = ""
for a in new_add:
if a == "X":
memory[int(nadd, 2)]=curr_value
Top comments (4)
So I have smaller code for part 1. (I'd like to note, that instead of changing the file on-the-fly, i just assign the variable prompt as (in this case) an array of strings of every line)
I think it gets more handy as we keep doing.
Honestly, on average 1 hour. What about you?