I feel ashamed now because I could not understand problem correctly. And I basically copied pasted code from here and then refactored a little bit. So all the credit goes to the author.
Part 1
def part1():
with open("day17.txt") as fp:
lines = [fline.rstrip() for fline in fp.readlines()]
f = lines
cubes = {(i, j, 0):lines[i][j]
for i in range(len(lines))
for j in range(len(lines[0]))}
for i in range(6):
cubes = simulate(cubes)
print(f"Part 1 Solution: {list(cubes.values()).count('#')}")
def simulate(cubes):
new_cube = {}
for c in cubes:
x = checkNeighbors(c, cubes)
if cubes[c] == '#':
if x == 2 or x == 3:
new_cube[c] = '#'
new_cube[c] = '.'
n = findNeighbors(c)
for x in n:
if x not in cubes:
k = checkNeighbors(x, cubes)
if k == 3:
new_cube[x] = '#'
elif cubes[c] == '.':
if x == 3:
new_cube[c] = '#'
new_cube[c] = '.'
return new_cube
def findNeighbors(c):
neighbors = [(c[0]+i, c[1]+j, c[2]+k)
for i in range(-1, 2)
for j in range(-1, 2)
for k in range(-1, 2)
if not (i == 0 and j == 0 and k == 0)]
return neighbors
def checkNeighbors(c, cubes):
n = findNeighbors(c)
neighbors_count = len([x for x in n if cubes.get(x)=="#"])
return neighbors_count
def part2():
with open("day17.txt") as fp:
lines = [fline.rstrip() for fline in fp.readlines()]
f = lines
cubes = {(i, j, 0, 0):lines[i][j]
for i in range(len(lines))
for j in range(len(lines[0]))}
for i in range(6):
cubes = simulate4d(cubes)
print(f"Part 2 Solution: {list(cubes.values()).count('#')}")
def simulate4d(cubes):
new = {}
for c in cubes:
x = checkNeighbors4d(c, cubes)
if cubes[c] == '#':
if x == 2 or x == 3:
new[c] = '#'
new[c] = '.'
n = findNeighbors4d(c)
for x in n:
if x not in cubes:
k = checkNeighbors4d(x, cubes)
if k == 3:
new[x] = '#'
elif cubes[c] == '.':
if x == 3:
new[c] = '#'
new[c] = '.'
return new
def findNeighbors4d(c):
neighbors = [(c[0]+i, c[1]+j, c[2]+k, c[3]+w)
for i in range(-1, 2)
for j in range(-1, 2)
for k in range(-1, 2)
for w in range(-1, 2)
if not (i == 0 and j == 0 and k == 0 and w == 0)]
return neighbors
def checkNeighbors4d(c, cubes):
n = findNeighbors4d(c)
neighbors_count = len([x for x in n if cubes.get(x)=="#"])
return neighbors_count
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