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Thomas Cansino
Thomas Cansino

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[DAY 21-23] I Built A Palindrome Checker, Music Player, & Date Formatter

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog where I document the things I learned in web development. I do this because it helps retain the information and concepts as it is some sort of an active recall.

On days 21-23, I built a palindrome checker, a music player, and a date formatter to learn basic string, array methods, date objects, and to complete part 1 of the Data Structures & Algorithms certification project.

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4 things I learned:

  1. Using a spread syntax (e.g. […arrayName]) to call an entire array.

  2. To use arrow function/callback function (e.g. const variableName = (parameter) => {logic;} or ()=>{})

  3. Chaining multiple methods together (e.g. variableName.method1().method2().method3());

  4. Optional chaining to prevent errors when accessing nested properties that might be null or undefined. (e.g. arrayName?.array[])

I finished part 1 of the Data Structures & Algorithms certification project. Because of that, I was finally able to connect together the concepts of variables, linking DOM elements, functions, and if-else statements. It’s so freaking good to feel a sense of progress by understanding the syntaxes I used in building the palindrome checker.

However, I feel like I need more time and practice with freecodecamp’s coding challenges and keep moving forward with the course. You know what they say, more practice leads to more experience and more experience = more learnings.

Anyways, that’s all for now, thank you for reading. I’ll see you all next blog!

Top comments (3)

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

I loved to build my first palindrome checker and discover palindrome words it was a great experience.

thomascansino profile image
Thomas Cansino

Thats great. What are the challenges have you encountered while building your first palindrome checker?

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

The most difficult part was to stop my mind and think piece by piece about what I needed to do and after that put everything together again